The Unification of Germany-Cindy Wu, Julia Czoch

By jczoch6
  • Creation of German Confederation

    Creation of German Confederation
    After Napoleon's defeat, instead of uniting Germany, the German Confederation was created. It was a weak alliance headed by Austria. This was created instead of dismantaling the government of each German State.
  • Brief War (War #1)

    Brief War (War #1)
    Bismarck created an alliance with Austria to seize the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein from Denmark. After the war, the two provinces were split up between them. Austria gained Holstein and Prussia gained Schleswig.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Austro-Prussian War
    After seven weeks of fighting, the Prussians won, taking control of several north German states. Bismarck dissolved the Austrian German Confederation and created his own by Prussians. Austria and others remained independent.
  • Franco-Prussian War of 1870

    Franco-Prussian War of 1870
    A growing rivalry started between France and Prussia. What triggered the war was Bismarck's rewording of the telegram between King William I and the French ambassador, Bismarck made it sound like like William was insulting the Frenchman. Napoleon declared war but soon surrendered.
  • Formation of the German Empire

    Formation of the German Empire
    The German confederation persuaded William I to take the throne as kaiser. This was the birth of the second Reich, the heir to the Holy Roman Empire. Even though there was a two house legislature, the real power still remained within the emperor and his chancellor.
  • Bismark's Rise to Power

    Bismark's Rise to Power
    Coming from Prussia's Junker, Bismarck served as a diplomat. In 1862, King WIlliam I made him the Prime Minister. A decade later, he became chancellor who united German States under Prussia rule.