The Unification of China

  • Period: 200 to Jan 1, 600

    The Unification of China

  • 202

    The Fall of the Qin

    The Fall of the Qin
    The harsh Qin Dynasty gave way to the Han Dynasty, one of the longest in Chinese history.
  • 210

    Great Wall of China Built

    The Great Wall of China was built of this date.
  • 221

    The Qin Dynasty Unifies China

    The Qin Dynasty Unifies China
    After ruling for over 20 years, the Qin ruler assumed the name Shi Huangdi, which means first emporer.
  • 551

    Confucious and the Social Order

    Confucious and the Social Order
    China's most influential leader. He stressed children should practice filial piety, was appointed minister of justice to the duke of Lu, and laid groundwork for the creation of bureacracy.
  • A New Form of Government Is Established

    A New Form of Government Is Established
    Shi Huangdi established an autocracy - a government that has unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary manner.