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The timeline of computers

  • Babbage difference engine

    Babbage difference engine
    Charles Babbage made the Babbage difference engine it was the first automatic digital computer which he made helped improve the next person to improve his invention off his research.
  • The first programmer

    The first programmer
    Ada Lovelace was the first person to make a program for the computers in early time so it can follow instructions on how I am typing this it is programmed to type the letters I'm touching.
  • The Turing terror

    The Turing terror
    Alan Turing was secretly gay but he was aa hero during ww2 because he was decoding German encrypted message's to give the army a heads up of what they were goin to do in advancements of the war so they could be ready so he used the Turing machine to decrypt them. It was a machine to aid in the investigation of the capabilities and restrictions of computation. The "automatic machines," as Turing referred to them in 1936, were created expressly for computing real numbers.
  • Eckert and mauchly's invention

    Eckert and mauchly's invention
    The U.S. District Court in Minnesota invalidated the ENIAC patent, although Eckert and Mauchly are nonetheless recognized by history as the creators of the ENIAC, the first significant general-purpose electronic computer.
  • the first compiler

    the first compiler
    Grace hopper was the person who made a machine to make programming code into computer language. Debra Brewster Murray Hopper was a rear admiral in the US Navy and an American computer scientist.
  • The man with the plan

    The man with the plan
    American computer engineer and inventor Mark E. Dean. He led a design team for a one gigahertz computer processor device and created the ISA bus. As one of the co-inventors of the 1981-released IBM personal computer, he is the owner of three of the nine PC patents.