The timeline

  • Birth of Sun Yat Sen

    Birth of Sun Yat Sen
    The famous Sun Yat Sen was born today.
  • May 4th movement

    May 4th movement
    Students and citizens went on to protest against the government for a change. This was the first protest in China that inspired others to protest against the government.
  • Establishment of CCP

    Establishment of CCP
    The CCP gathered the most powerful people in China at the time. It was formed due to the protesting from the May 4th movement.
  • The Long March

    The Long March
    The long march was a walk led by Mao Zedong with his 100,000 followers that has shown the strength of China nowadays since Mao Zedong was in the CCP
  • Xi'an incident

    Xi'an incident
    A political crisis where Chiang Kai Shek made the mistake of fighting China communists instead of the Japanese.
  • Marco Polo bridge incident

    Marco Polo bridge incident
    It was a battle between China's national Revolutionary army and the imperial Japanese. The Japanese launched an invasion on China. The Japanese eventually succeeded and took away Korea.
  • 100 flower movement

    100 flower movement
    The 100 flower movement was an event for the people to give opinion on Mao and China.
  • Great Leap Forward

    Great Leap Forward
    Mao ZeDong wanted to catch up to America and other countries in just 15 years.
  • Cultural revolution

    Cultural revolution
    The cultural revolution was when Mao ZeDong took kids to become his red guards, he used the red guards to support China and the red guards would create songs about loving the country, the people and more.
  • Death of Mao ZeDong

    Death of Mao ZeDong
    Mao Zedong died, his worse ideas were gone and people cried for him.