How I Became a UTEP Miner

  • Brought to this world!

    Brought to this world!
    I was born on Friday, February 10 at 2:14p.m.
  • Not the baby anymore

    Baby brother, Randy Jr. was born
  • First day of preK

    First day of preK
    The day I started my journey in education,
  • The start of my journey

    The start of my journey
    The day I joined my first soccer team, we were the Ladybugs.
  • Athlete of the Year

    Athlete of the Year
    I won the biggest award at my school for athlete of the year, throughout my whole district.
  • Signed and Joined UTEP soccer!!

    Signed and Joined UTEP soccer!!
    I finally joined UTEP soccer, and became a miner!
  • Won the state championship!

    Won the state championship!
    I scored the winning goal to win the state championship, and sent my team to regionals.