The real diary of Anne Frank

  • The Leadership

    The Leadership
    Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazis. He killed about seventen million of people including Jews, and Gypsies. Hitler died in 1945 and all hiw power collapsed with his death.
  • Period: to

    Adolf Hitler

    The power of Hitler bigins in 1919 and his power collapsed with his death.
  • A fake name

    A fake name
    For the Nazis and the others the Jews did had name. They tattooed a number in their skin and that was their "NAME". The "NAME" of Anne, her sister Margot and her mother Edith was between A-25060 and A-25271
  • Born

    In this day Otto Frank and Edith Frank had their second child.
  • Period: to

    Anne Frank

  • As a sport girl

    As a sport girl
    Anne liked to ride her bicycle and played Ping-Pong. The freedom of jewish people was more reduced, and that meant that they were not aloud to go out and play or do what they wanted.
  • Hiding Place

    Hiding Place
    Anne Frank and her family left their house 10 days erlier than planned. They hid in the building where her father used to worked.In the very ending of the building there was a little house where they hid.
  • Peter Van Daan

    Peter Van Daan
    Pete Van Daan and his family were hiding just like the Frank family. He died at the same year as Anne Frank in a consentration camp.
  • Condition of Jews

    Condition of Jews
    For the Nazis the Jews did had rights as others. They most wear a star in their clothes so they could now how to treat them.
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    Anne Frank died a week after her sister died. Both of them died by an illness called Typhus. Two weeks later the war done, and all jewish people were free.
  • The most famous thing of Anne Frank

    The most famous thing of Anne Frank
    Anne resived a gift (Book). In it she started writing about her live, her problems, school, boys, also she wrote about how they live during the hiding and differents events during the war. She called the diary KITTY so every time she bigind with DEAR KITTY. People started publishing biographys about her and her diary since 1960.
  • Otto Frank

    Otto Frank
    Otto Frank was the father of Anne Frank. He born in May 12, 1889, Franfurt. When they were discovered of their hiding place he was send to fight in the war and when he return from the war his family wasw death. He started the company fo Anne Frank and he published the book of Anne Frank. Otto died in August 19, 1980, Basel.