English Reformation

By 40268
  • Period: Jan 1, 1509 to

    English Reformation

  • Apr 21, 1509

    King Henry VIII took the throne.

    King Henry VIII took the throne.
    Henry Tudor was born on June 28, 1491 in Greenwich Palace. Since he was the second son, not expected to become King, we don't know much about him until the death of his brother, Aurthur who left behind his wife Catherine. She signed a treaty that she would marry the next heir to the throne, Prince Henry. The marriage did not occur because Henry's father had been slow to pay his part and her parents were refusing to pay their portion. This continued until Henry VII died and Henry VIII emerged.
  • Jun 11, 1509

    Catherine of Aragon married King Henry VIII

    Catherine of Aragon married King Henry VIII
    • She got married to Henry's older brother before him but then died shortly after
    • King Henry VII made Henry VIII take back his betrothment to Catherine. Once Henry VII died they got married.
    • Her 1st child (a girl) was prematurly born.
    • Catherine had a misscarage and 2 boys who died shortly after being married.
  • Feb 18, 1516

    Mary Tudor was born

    Mary Tudor was born
    Mary Tudor was born to King Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon
  • Jan 25, 1533

    Anne Bolyn married King Henry VIII

    Anne Bolyn married King Henry VIII
    -Anne wasn't very pretty
    - She was married once before but had an affair. She split appart mnore that 2 marriages
    - Even though henry hated writing letters he wroter he 17 love letters when she was away.
    - He got her pregnant and got married to her before his marriage with Catherine was annulled.
    - She had many affairs during her marriage with Henry. There were 5 men that we know of.
  • May 23, 1533

    Divorced Catherine of Aragon

    Divorced Catherine of Aragon
    Got a divorced because she couldn't produce a healthy boy.
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Elizabeth was born

    Elizabeth was born
    Elizabeth was born to King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
  • Jan 20, 1534

    Act of Supremacy I

    Act of Supremacy I
    The First Act of Supremacy was an English act of parliment that made/ reconized King Henry VII as the Supreme head of the church of England. He built off of the original church, and it was very similair although, you were now allowed to get divorced. The chuech of England was similair to Catholicism but the pope also has less authority.
  • Jan 7, 1536

    Death of Catherine of Aragon

    Death of Catherine of Aragon
    Catherine of Aragon died because she became very sick.
  • May 19, 1536

    Death of Anne Boleyn

    Death of Anne Boleyn
    Ann Boleyn was beheaded by King Henry VIII.
  • May 19, 1536

    Marriage ended with Anne Boleyn

    Marriage ended with Anne Boleyn
    Anne got executed becuase she cheated on Henry more than once.
  • May 30, 1536

    Jane Seymour and Henry VIII got married

    Jane Seymour and Henry VIII got married
    • Originally Jane worked for the wives of Henry VIII
    • Henry really recognized Jane when he went to stay with her family.
    • 24 hours after Anne was executed Jane and Henry formally announced their betrothal.
    • Jane was the first to give Henry a healthy boy who's name was Edward.
    • Henry believed that Jane was his "true wife" and was the only one out of 6 wives to get burried with Henry.
  • Oct 12, 1537

    Edward was born

    Edward was born
    Edward was born to King Henry VIII and Jane Seymour
  • Oct 24, 1537

    Death of Jane Seymour

    Death of Jane Seymour
    Jane Seymour died from childbirth.
  • Oct 24, 1537

    Jane Seymour and Henry Divorced

    Jane Seymour and Henry Divorced
    Jane died shortly after she gave birth to Edward. They think it was because of complications with the birth.
  • Jan 6, 1540

    Henry married Anne Cleves

    Henry married Anne Cleves
    • The first time Henry saw her she was in a painting.
    • Henry didn't find her the least bit attractive.
    • When Henry stared liking Kathryn (his next wife) and Anne knew that it would only make things worse if she made it a big deal.
    • After they got divorced Henry gave her a castle to live in.
    • She was quietly living alone until her step-daughters corrination. She made an apearance and then when back to her castle.
  • Jul 9, 1540

    Henry VIII and Anna Cleves got divorced

    Henry VIII and Anna Cleves got divorced
    The got divorced because Henry started to like Kathryn Howard.
  • Jul 28, 1540

    Kathryn Howard and Henry VIII are married

    Kathryn Howard and Henry VIII are married
    • She caught Henry's attention when she was Anne Cleve's lady in waiting.
    • When they got married she was 19 and Henry was 49.
    • They got married 6 days after he left Anne.
    • Kathryn started having relations with other men her own age.
    • She apointed one of her admirer her secretary.
  • Feb 13, 1542

    Henry VIII and Kathryn Howard got divorced

    Henry VIII and Kathryn Howard got divorced
    The got a divorce because Kathryn cheated on Henry with men closer to her age.
  • Feb 13, 1542

    Death of Kathryn Howard

    Death of Kathryn Howard
    Kathryn Howard died when she was beheaded by King Henry VIII.
  • Jul 12, 1543

    King Henry VIII and Katherine Parr married

    King Henry VIII and Katherine Parr married
    • She was the eldest daughter of 2 people in Henry's court.
    • Katherine was named after Henry's first wife Catherine of Argon.
    • She was widowed twice before she was married to Henry and then again when he died.
    • 2 men at the same time wanted her hand but she felt like it was he duty to marry the King.
    • Henry and Katherine's wedding was only 20 people.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Death of King Henry VIII

     Death of King Henry VIII
    King Henry VIII died from some illness.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    Henry VIII and Katherne Parr divorce

    Henry VIII and Katherne Parr divorce
    Katherine is widowed when King Henry VIII dies.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    King Edward took the throne

    King Edward took the throne
    King Edward was just 10 when he initially took the throne because King Henry died. Protestants were happy that he took the throne because it left power with Gardiner and Bonner over the church, keeping England from Roman Catholicism. His uncle attempted to bribe him with money while Northumberland decided instead to put him up for full power at the age of 14, with all of the same responsibilities as King Henry. He was Northumberland's mask, there is barely any trace of what he did individually.
  • Jul 6, 1553

    Death of Edward VI

    Death of Edward VI
    Edward VI died from Tuberculosis.
  • Jul 19, 1553

    Mary Tudor took the throne

    Mary Tudor took the throne
    Mary returned England to Roman Catholicism. Protestants were prosecuted and 300 were burnt at stake. These actions earned her the nickname "Bloody Mary." She also had a fake pregnancy. She showed symptoms, but she was suffering from a phantom pregnancy coming from her great wish to have a child. She experienced this again when she was 42, but after the symptoms surpassed, she became sick and progressively got worse. She was once lucid enough to pass the crown onto her half sister Elizabeth.
  • Jul 16, 1557

    Death of Anne of Cleves

    Death of Anne of Cleves
    Anne of Cleves died because she had cancer.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Death of Mary

    Death of Mary
    Queen Mary I died from cancer..
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth took the throne

    Queen Elizabeth took the throne
    Elizabeth never married for a number of reasons, but she did have a man that she loved named Robert Dudley. Dudley's wife died a few years later, but they couldn't marry because of the scandal that would arise. She was also supposed to keep her cousin safe, but executed her because she knew that she could be a threat to her throne. The greatest threat, however, came from the military when Armada of Spain. England came out on top and was on it's way to becoming the supreme naval power of the time
  • Jan 20, 1559

    Act of Supremacy II

    Act of Supremacy II
    The second Act of SUpremacy came to pass when after King Henry died his daughter Mary repealed the Act of Supremacy. Although, when Elizabeth I revied the law and restored the church of England she became the ruler of the church. This started to causes problems between Ccatholics and Protestants. Also it caused a rise in absolutism which was a powershift from the pope to the king.
  • Death of Elizabeth I

    Death of Elizabeth I
    Elizabeth I died of blood poisoning.