
The Postclassical Era: WHAP Sparknote Timeline

  • 200

    Mesoamerica: Teotihuacan Society

    Mesoamerica: Teotihuacan Society
    ~Began 200 BCE in the Mexican highlands
    ~Teotihuacan, the main city, had a pyramid almost as large as the great pyramid of Egypt: the Pyramid of the Sun
    ~Had extensive trade; artisans manufactured tools and pottery
  • 300

    Mesoamerica: Mayan Society

    Mesoamerica: Mayan Society
    ~Built large ceremonial centers with pyramids, palaces, and temples
    ~Reached its height (600-800 CE) with its capital at Tikal
    ~Had own system of writing and believed that thier gods had made people out of maize
  • 340

    Europe: the Byzantine Empire

    Europe: the Byzantine Empire
    ~"The Second Rome"
    ~Strategic trade center with it's capital at Constantinople
    ~Main empire during religous controversies like Iconoclasm and the Eastern Orthodox/Roman Catholic Church schism
  • 500

    Africa: the Kingdom of Ghana

    Africa: the Kingdom of Ghana
    ~Principal West-African state at the time of the Muslims' arrival in Africa in the eigth century CE
    ~ Actual beginning date of beginning is uncertain- Fourth/fifth century CE?
    ~Was a central site for the gold trade
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1000

    The Postclassical Era: 500-1000 CE

    The Postclassical Era
  • Jan 1, 606

    South Asia: Harsha's Kingdom

    South Asia: Harsha's Kingdom
    ~Very brief restoration of unified rule in northern India
    ~Started by King Harsha, who conquered the region at the age of sixteen
    ~Ended with Harsha's assassination
  • Jan 1, 670

    South Asia: the Kingdom of Srivijaya

    South Asia: the Kingdom of Srivijaya
    ~Kings of Srivijaya built a powerful navy that controlled commerce in the southeast-asian waters
    ~Was eventually eclipsed by the expanding Chola Kingdom
  • Jan 1, 750

    The Middle East: the Abbasid Empire

    The Middle East: the Abbasid Empire
    ~Empire started by the rebellion leader who ended the Umayyad Dynasty: Abu al-Abbas
    ~Employed Persian administrative techniques with institution of Caliphs
  • Jan 1, 750

    End of Teotihuacan Society

    End of Teotihuacan Society
  • Jan 1, 751

    Europe: the Carolingian Empire

    Europe: the Carolingian Empire
    ~A brief empire of Europe, started by Charles Martel
    ~Had its high point during the reign of Charlemange, who was proclaimed emperor by Pope Leo III in 800
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Africa: the Bantu Peoples

    Africa: the Bantu Peoples
    ~By this point, the migrating Bantu Peoples had settled into council-ruled villages organized into districts in Sub-Saharan Africa
    ~The population of the region was greatly influence by the cultivation of bananas
  • Jan 1, 1025

    End of the Srivijaya Kingdom

    End of the Srivijaya Kingdom
  • Jan 1, 1100

    End of Mayan Society

    End of Mayan Society
  • Jan 1, 1258

    End of the Abbasid Dynasty

    End of the Abbasid Dynasty
  • Jan 1, 1453

    End of the Byzantine Empire

    End of the Byzantine Empire
  • End of the Carolingian Empire

    End of the Carolingian Empire
  • Central/East Asia: the Tang Dynasty

    Central/East Asia: the Tang Dynasty
    ~Territorially one of the largest empires in Chinese history
    ~Developed and used the equal-field system of land allocation, giving equal allocations of fertile land out to individuals to avoid the problems caused by concentration of landed property
  • End of the Tang Dynasty

    End of the Tang Dynasty
  • End of Harsha's Kingdom

    End of Harsha's Kingdom