The most important event in my life

  • birth of my first niece

    birth of my first niece
    When my first niece, I was only about 8 years old, and when they told me that I was going to be an aunt, I was not happy, because I thought he was going to steal my position in the family, HAHAHA it was a bit traumatic because they changed my position. in the family for like 2 years until my second niece arrived HAHAHA
  • My elementary graduation

     My elementary graduation
    That die was very important to me because I went through a new stage of my life, going from primary to secondary
  • death of my pet

     death of my pet
    I got my rabbit in 2015, right at the normal school (school) and unfortunately she died a year ago, I miss her a lot, a rabbit is not the same as a dog but ... it was still an important part of my family
  • coronavirus

    and finally the coronavirus, the strongest event that has happened to humanity in the last 20 years, which has affected not only me but EVERYONE