Queen elizabeth i

The Life of Queen Elizabeth I

  • Sep 7, 1533

    Elizabeth is born

    Elizabeth is born
    Mother: Anne Boleyn
    Father: Henry VIII
    Location: Palace of Placentia, Greenwich, United Kingdom.
  • May 19, 1536

    Elizabeth's Mother is Beheaded

    Falsely accused of witchcraft and conspiracy against the king.
  • Jan 28, 1547

    King Henry VIII dies

    King Henry VIII dies
    After King Henry VIII dies, Elizabeth's nine year old step brother, Edward VI, becomes king.
  • Period: Nov 25, 1547 to Nov 25, 1548

    Princess Elizabeth lives with Katherine Parr

    Katherine Parr was Elizabeth's stepmother and she lived with her for around a year,
  • Jul 6, 1553

    King Edward VI dies and Mary becomes Queen

    King Edward VI dies and Mary becomes Queen
    King Edward VI was Elizabeth's young stepbrother who died when he was just 15. After his death, their cousin, Lady Jane Grey became ruler only for 9 days before she died as well. Afterwards, Elizabeth's stepsister, Mary takes the crowm.
  • Mar 18, 1554

    Elizabeth is imprisoned

    Elizabeth is imprisoned
    Queen Mary I imprisons Elizabeth for eight weeks on false charges.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth is named heir

    Elizabeth is named heir
    After Mary dies in May 1558, she names Elizabeth as the heir. She is 25 year old when she is coronated and works closely with parliament and trusted advisers to rule by popular consent.
  • Jan 13, 1559

    Elizabeth becomes Queen

    She is crowned Queen of England
  • Jun 24, 1559

    The Elizabethan Prayer Book is first used

    The Elizabethan Prayer Book is first used
  • Jul 6, 1560

    Treaty of Edinburgh is signed

    Treaty of Edinburgh is signed
    This was a treaty between England, France, and Scotland.
  • Sep 20, 1561

    Treaty Signed at Hampton Court

    Treaty Signed at Hampton Court
    Elizabeth signed this treaty to support the French Huguenots.
  • Jan 2, 1571

    Marriage negotiations

    Marriage negotiations
    Marriage negotions are made between Elizabeth and Henry, DUke of Anjou
  • Nov 14, 1575

    Queen Elizabeth declines sovereignity over Netherlands

  • Mar 10, 1578

    Elizabeth aids Dutch

    Queen Elziabeth sends 20,000 pounds to help Dutch.
  • Aug 17, 1579

    Duke of Anjou Visits

    Francis, Duke of Anjou, hopes to marry and visits Queen Elizabeth at Greenwich.
  • May 4, 1581

    Elizabeth knights Francis Drake

    Elizabeth knights Francis Drake
    Sir Francis Drake was the second person to circumnavigate the world only 50 years after Ferdinand Magellan.
  • Nov 7, 1581

    Marriage Treaty

    A marriage treaty between Queen Elizabeth and Duke of Anjou is signed.
  • Elizabeth protects the Netherlands

    Queen Elizabeth issues a declaration saying that the Netherlands are under her protection.
  • Treaty of Berwick is signed

    Treaty of Berwick is signed
    Queen Elizabeth and King James VI of Scotland form a league.
  • Mary Queen of Scots is beheaded

    Mary is beheaded for numerous plots against Elizabeth'ss life.
  • Queen Elizabeth I Dies

    Queen Elizabeth I Dies
    Location: Richmond Palace, Richmond, London, United Kingdom
    Reign: 1558-1603 (45 Years)
    Age: 70 years old
    Burial Site: Henry VII Chapel, United Kingdom