Anne 1

The Life of Anne Frank

  • Anne Frank is Born

    Anne Frank is Born
    On June 12, 1929 Ann Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany to Otto and Edith Frank. She had one older sister named Margot who was 3 years older.
  • Nazi Party Power Rises

    Nazi Party Power Rises
    In 1930-1932 the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) party begins its rise to power. They proclaim the superiority of the German and blame Jews for German defeat in WWI and the troubled economy.
  • Hitler Becomes Head of Gov.

    Hitler Becomes Head of Gov.
    On January 30, 1933, the Nazi party leader Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor (head of the government) of Germany.
  • First Concentration Camp

    First Concentration Camp
    On March 10, 1933, the first concentration camp is established by the Nazi at Dachau, Germany.
  • The Franks Leave Germany

    The Franks Leave Germany
    In 1933 the Franks leave Germany to escape Nazi persecution in the fall. While Mr. Frank looks for a new home in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, the rest of the family stays with family in Aachen, Germany.
  • Anne Begins School

    Anne Begins School
    In the fall of 1934, Anne Frank started Montessori school and she remained in school for the rest of the 30’s. She was a very smart and happy child for the rest of the 1930’s.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    September 15, 1935, the Nuremberg Laws are passed. These included denying Jews German citizenship and forbidding marriage between Jews and non-Jews.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invades the country of Poland starting the global conflict known as WWII.
  • Anne's Diary

    Anne's Diary
    On June 12, 1942, Anne’s parents give her a red checkered diary as her 13th birthday gift. She began writing in it almost immediately.
  • Margot's Letter

    Margot's Letter
    On July 5, just weeks after Anne’s birthday, her sister Margot receives a letter to report to a Nazi work camp in Germany. The next day, the family went into hiding in an empty space in the back of Otto’s company building where they hid for 2 years.
  • Discovered

    On August 4, 1944, a German officer along with 4 Dutch Nazis raided their secret annex, arresting everyone in it. They had been betrayed by an anonymous tip still unknown to this day.
  • Nazi Concentration Camp

    Nazi Concentration Camp
    On September 3, 1944 the Franks were introduced to the Nazi Camp known as Auschwitz death camp. The men and women were separated and that was the last time Otto saw his wife and daughters.
  • No Happy Ending

    No Happy Ending
    In 1945, Anne's mom, Edith Frank dies in Auschwitz but 3 weeks later, Otto, her father, is freed when the entire camp is freed by the Soviet army. A few weeks before the British soldiers free Bergen-Belsen, Anne and her sister Margot die in that camp.