the holocost

  • When he took over

    When he took over
    He started taking over in 1933 and started tricking everybody
  • Adolf Hitler addresses an SA rally

    Adolf Hitler addresses an SA rally
    SA men paraded with torches through Berlin to celebrate Hitler's appointment as chancellor.
  • Boycott of Jewish-owned businesses

    Boycott of Jewish-owned businesses
    Members of the Storm Troopers with boycott signs, block the entrance to a Jewish-owned shop.
  • Photograph of Dawid Samoszul

    Photograph of Dawid Samoszul
    Close-up street portrait of Dawid Samoszul, probably taken in Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland, between 1936 and 1938. Dawid was killed in the Treblinka killing center at the age of 9.
  • Life in the Ghettos

    Life in the Ghettos
    Both of Charlene's parents were local Jewish community leaders, and the family was active in community life. Charlene's father was a professor of philosophy at the State University of Lvov.
  • The Beginning of it all

    The Beginning of it all
    The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the genocide of European Jews during World War II.
  • Young girls pose in a yard in the town of Ejszyszki.

    Young girls pose in a yard in the town of Ejszyszki.
    German units carried out mass shootings on the outskirts of villages, towns, and cities throughout eastern Europe.
  • The End

    The End
    Among the thousands of books that have examined various aspects of the Jewish Holocaust, surprisingly few have treated the final days of the death camps in any detail.