
The Holocaust

By Daza100
  • Hitler Chancellor

    Hitler Chancellor
    Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. And made a 3 day boycott for the Jewish business. Later on Hitler started to make concentration camp for the jewish people
  • the banish to get married

    the banish to get married
    The Nazis removed the rights for jews to show the german flag and to ban the jews to have sexual intercourse and to remove the right for them to get married or if their are already married their would have to get a divorce
  • Removed the rights of jews

    Removed the rights of jews
    Hitler and the Nazis removed the rights of Jewish people from:
    Journalism Their where also not able to join the German army
  • The death

    The death
    The Jews would be sentenced to the concentration camp which for them would be a death sentence their would get gassed till their die
  • The start

    The start
    The Holocaust,was when Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party killed around six million Jews around 1941-1945. All of the Jews were sentenced to concentration camp
  • Dutch Nazi

    Dutch Nazi
    430 Jewish people were captured and deported from Amsterdam because a jewish person killed a Dutch Nazi
  • Exterminate Of the Jews

    Exterminate Of the Jews
    Germany sent the Mobile killing squad to the Soviet Union To exterminate the Jews and to Invade the country.
  • Jewish people

    Jewish people
    The German Nazi party confiscated jewish property and brought them to the Concentration camp and had to wear identifying armbands and established ghettos and forced-labor camps.
  • Closed Down

    Closed Down
    Hitlers Concentration camps are shut down due to the Defeat of Germany
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies
    Hitler dies in a Belgium bunker underground by committing suicide by taking cyanide and shooting himself