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The history of the Internet

  • ARPAnet

    the begining of a network that helped connect the people working to do space explorations
  • UNIX

    UNIX was created as a sort of language to better help connect the network
  • ARPANET network

    ARPANET network
    this was when all of the ivy league colleges (Harvard, Stanford,ect.) begain bringing in the APRANET networking syles and even network its self to teach with.
  • Project Gutenberg

    Project Gutenberg
    Michal Hart began trying to work on the idea and production of electronic-books
  • Email

    Ray Tomlinson began working on the idea of email, and decided to use the @ symbol

    France begins working on ARPANET
  • the first Transitlantic and popularity of emailing

    the first Transitlantic and popularity of emailing
    this is when the internet began to connect all around the world, and naturally everyone began emailing eachother
  • beginning of TCP/IP

    beginning of TCP/IP
    when the internet advanced from being a mediated ARPANET and began being known as a "inter-network"
  • the email client

    the email client
    emailing becomes more modern. making it easier and more efficent
  • beginning of PC modem

    beginning of PC modem
    this is the year that Dinnis Hayes and Dale Hetherington got together and they made the first pc modem, and began selling them to hobbiests around for personal use
  • beginning of spam

    beginning of spam
    this was when all the email services began advertising
  • MUD

    earliest forms of online multi-player games
  • :)

    the first emoticon
  • ARPANET switches to CIT/TP

    ARPANET switches to CIT/TP
    this is when CIT/TP took over ARPANET
  • Vitrual communities

    Vitrual communities
    this is when virtual reality came out on the internet
  • battles began about which protocol was used

    battles began about which protocol was used
    the arguement was over which style to use world wide
  • internet grows

    internet grows
    the internet started being able to host around 1,000 users and by 1987 had grown to over 30,000 users
  • IRC

    the beginnings of real time chat
  • AOL

    America OnLine comes into being
  • proposal of WWW

    proposal of WWW
    this is when World Wide Web was in its beginning stages
  • Dial-Up

    this is when dial-up became commercial to the general public
  • WWW released

    WWW released
    this is when World Wide Web was released to the world
  • first web page was created

    first web page was created
  • Gopher

    fist infromation based search engine
  • MP3

    this is when MP3 becomes standard on all computers
  • Mosaic

    this is the first graphic internet browser used by the general public
  • government

    this is the beginning of .gov and .org
  • commercializing the internet

    this is when coperations, and business began using the internet to advertise
  • the vatican

    the vatican
    the vatican took some information to the internet then
  • web Mail

    web Mail
    this is when HoTMaiL came into being using they HTML format to send and recive items like email
  • Weblogs

    this is the beginning of when people started making blogs
  • Media

    this is the first breaking news made online instead of traditional ways (this was the Bill Clinton scandal that was reported.)
  • Google

    debut of google
  • Dot com fails

    Dot com fails
    this is when people stoped using .com so much, and investiors began to loose money on it.
  • launching of wikipedia

    launching of wikipedia
    this is the first year that wikipedia is realesed
  • skype

    this is the year that skype is released to make web chatting easier
  • MySpace

    its the place for people
  • social media

    social media
    this is the year that the term social media is adoped
  • Facebook

    is is the year that facebook was relesed only to college students to test how well everyone would like it
  • youtube

    this is when youtube began its mass media website
  • streaming movies

    streaming movies
    this is when sites began to allow streaming movies via internet
  • iphone

    apple releases the iphone and its moble web
  • internet election

    internet election
    this was the first election that social media, and advertising via internet was used as a tool