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The History of Radio and TV

By JacksEn
  • Inventions!

    The Invention of the telegraph changed everything in regards to wireless communication and every day life.
  • Marconi!

    Marconi invented the first ever functioning radio system
  • Marconi inventor of the radio!

    Marconi inventor of the radio!
    Reginald Fessenden Had created the first feeble voice across the radio but however the patent office decided to give Marconi the patent for inventor of he radio. This is because in 1904 Marconi conducted the first successful transatlantic experimental radio communications.
  • Radio Channels!

    Radio Channels!
    By this time channels were common and could be found in many households they already had sports radio, AM, and more
  • Charles Herrold invents broadcasting!

    Charles Herrold invents broadcasting!
    In 1909 Charles Jerold was the first ever man to broadcast via radi. By the time of only 1912 broadcasting had already been a mandatory need on every vessel because of the tragedy of the titanic.
  • The first Licensed commercial stations!

    The first Licensed commercial stations!
    The official first commercial station is a somewhat debated topic usually KDKA is given the nod but that’s all up to opinion. Many other stations popped up around this time as well
  • FM is introduced!

    FM is introduced!
    Edwin Armstrong first came to the idea to use FM of the radio to reduce static and interference and an overall better experience.
  • Internet Radio!

    Internet Radio!
    Internet radio is different from others because it cannot be replayed,is usually broadcasted, and is a wireless connection
  • Internet Radio Rising!

    Internet Radio Rising!
    Over the next couple years streaming radio doubled it self over many times and is now incredibly popular and about 50% of the children listen to it today
  • US Royalty Controversial!

    US Royalty Controversial!
    During this time the US Proposed royalty cuts and this would force almost all of the small radio stations to shut down. Thankfully they organized a petition to save it and they did.