
The French Revolution, and Napoleon time period

  • King Luise the 16 takes place in monachy

    King Louise the 16 became king, and was newly wedd and was the worst king France could have had.
  • the Declaration of citizens and men

    this documnet talks about ther rights if men, equilty, and freedom of all men
  • the women proclaim justice

    the french women when into the royal family house and tryed to kill Marie Anttoinittwe however they did not kill her she got away.
  • the Estates-General (or States-General) of 1789

    Lous the 16 hold a meeting to discuss about what they are going to do with the finacial debt.
  • The king shares power

    The king is forced to share power with the estates. And has no saying at all. Abd the French nobility reacted to the proposed reforms with hostility, and successfully opposed their implementation
  • the royal family trys to escape

    the royal family trys to escape but they are caught, and then there are forced to stay in paris, and await a trial.
  • War of the First Coalition

    was a war that was fought was the first major effort of multiple European monarchies to defeat Revolutionary France. France declared war on the Habsburg monarchy of Austria on 20 April 1792, and the Kingdom of Prussia joined the Austrian side a few weeks later.
  • the reign of terror

     the reign of terror
    the reign of terror killed thousand of people and kill the king, and queen , the last of monachy, and Marie's last words were " sorry I meant not to".
  • Napopen is here

    MARCH-MAY: Napoleon Bonaparte has success in his military campaigns throughout Europe.
    15-17 NOVEMBER: Napoleon beats the Austrians in battle.
  • Napoleon defeat and enemies,

    11 MAY: The Jacobins are victorious in France's elections.
    MAY-AUGUST: Napoleon has military success in Egypt.
    29 DECEMBER: England, Russia, and Italy sign a pact against France.
  • napoleon comes back

    Napoleon returns to France, leaving his armies in Eygpt.