The fall of the tsar &the Russian Revolution

  • Russo-Japanese war

    Russo-Japanese war
    Russia lost there self-esteam by loosing to Japan, which they thought was going to be an easy win.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    This influenced Russia by making the citizens rebel against the government by Russian soilders shooting and wounding over 800 innocent peasants.
  • Revolution of 1905

    This event influenced Russia by making the citizens angry at the government for harsh working conditions and peasant not haveing land.
  • Russia joins WW1

    Entering WW1 effected Russia's population and food suppy.
  • Febuary revolution of 1917

    Workers and peasant wenton strikes, military mutanies occured, leading the tsar to step down in power.
  • Abdication of the tsar

    Due to disasters on the battlefeild made the tsar step down in power alowing Lenin to step into power.
  • Grigory Rasputin

    Grigory Rasputin
    Rasputin almost took over Russia when Tsar was on the battlefeild. Rasputin before he was assasinated made the people think that the tsar was doing a crappy job as a leader, and worked.
  • november revolution

    The bolsheviks take over Russia, and kill the tsar.
  • Russia leaves WW1

    This influenced Russia by having more food to go around and allowed the population to grow.
  • Russian civil war

    This influenced Russia by the death of tsar, and allowing the bolsheviks to take over Russia.
  • Death of Romanovs

    Death of Romanovs
    Communists shoot and kill the rest of the family of tsar. leaving comunisum in control over Russia.
  • Formation of the USSR

    Formation of the USSR
    Communisum takes complete control over Russia.
  • Lenins death and competition to replace him

    Lenin died allowing Stalin to take over. Stalin agreed with all of matxist's ideas and beleifs.