The Early life of Adolf Hitler

  • parents

    Hitler's parents were Alois (1837-1903) and Klara (1860-1907) Hitler.
  • dictator of Germany

    Despite becoming the dictator of Germany, Hitler was not born there. Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria on April 20, 1889.
  • Birth of date

    Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was born on April 20, 1889, in the Upper Austrian border town
  • brother

    Hitler had only one sibling that survived childhood, Paula (1896-1960).
  • Artist and Anti-Semite

    Throughout his youth, Hitler dreamed of becoming an artist. He applied twice to the Vienna Academy of Art (once in 1907 and again in 1908) but was denied entrance both times.
  • mothers death

    At the end of 1908, Hitler's mother died of breast
  • Joinign the army

    Although Hitler attempted to avoid Austrian military service by moving to Munich, Germany in May 1913, Hitler volunteered to serve in the German army once World War I began.
  • Almsot going Blind

    Hitler sustained two major injuries during the war. The first occurred in October 1916 when he was wounded by a grenade splinter. The other was on October 13, 1918, when a gas attack caused Hitler to go temporarily blind.
  • German Worker's Party.

    In 1919, Hitler became the 55th member of a small antisemitic party called the German Worker's Party.
  • Take over

    In November 1923, Hitler spearheaded an attempt to take over the German government through a putsch (a coup), called the Beer Hall Putsch.
  • Take over

    On January 30, 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor. Hitler then used this high-ranking position to gain absolute power over Germany. This finally happened when Germany's president, Paul von Hindenburg, died
  • without firing a single shot.

    In March 1938, Hitler was able to annex Austria into Germany (called the Anschluss) without firing a single shot.
  • How he made money

    After his mother's death, Hitler spent four years living on the streets of Vienna, selling postcards of his artwork to make a little money.
  • Getting attention

    Over the next several years, Hitler often gave public speeches that gained him attention, followers, and financial support.
  • jail time

    When the coup failed, Hitler was caught and sentenced to five years in prison.
  • my struggle

    It was while in Landsberg prison that Hitler wrote his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle).