
The Early Life of Adolf Hitler

  • The Birth of Hitler

    The Birth of Hitler
    Hitler was bor Austria, Braunau, near the German border.
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    Hitler's Childhood

    The summation of Hitler's youth.
  • Hitler's Childhood

    Hitler's Childhood
    When Hitler turned six his carefree days ended as he entered primary school. Due to his father (Alois Hitler) retiring on a pension, coupled with strict supervision, Hitler exprienced alot of discipline during his youth.
  • The Death of Hitler's Father

    When Allois Hitler died of a lung hemorrhage it left a scaring toll on Hitler. However without his father strict regiment obstructing him he could finally persue his dream of being an artist.
  • Hitler Drops Out Of School

    While Hitler passed everyother exams up to this point he could not bring himself to take the final exam stating it was due to poor health. After that point everything Hitler learned was self-taught, mainly supported by his patient mother.
  • The Death Of Hitler's Mother

    On the 14th of January Adolf's mother, Klara, went to a jewish doctor after a feeling of pain in her chest. While she took pracautions the illness, which was later found out to be malignant cancer, slowly ate away at her body.
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    Hitler's Homeless Life

    When Hitler became 18 he moved to Vienna to make something of himself & persue his art career. However he soon learned that the world was a cold and unforgiving place. Hitler became homeless, sleeping on benches and eating at soup kitchen to stay alive. For a short time Hitler room with his hometown friend, August Kubizek. Years later Hitler traveled to Munich, but was forced into milatary services by the Austrian authorities.
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    Hitler enters WWI

    Hitler is forced into 'the war to end all wars".
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    Formation of the Nazi Party

    After the war Hitler becomes joined a workers' party at the age of thirty. Hitler was outraged by the statement made about the state of Germany. Anton Drexler over this outburst and convinced Hitler to enter politics. By 1920 Hitler took control of the German worker party, later renaming it as the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP), or Nazi for short.
  • The Start of Hitler's Rise

    After Adolf Hitler makes promises to restore Germany to it's fromer glory he is democratically deemed chancellor. Hitler speech was power by the econamical crash known as "The Great Depression". Hitler gained 30% of the votes as a result.