
The Diary of Anne Frank

  • Mr. Frank announces his leaving

    Mr. Frank announces his leaving
    "I can't stay in Amsterdam Miep. It has too many memories for me. Everywhere there's something...the house we lived in...the school...the street organ playing out there."
  • Anne's 13th Birthday: The day she recieves the diary

    Anne's 13th Birthday: The day she recieves the diary
    I went to Daddy and Mama and then to the living room to openmy presents, and you were the first thing I saw..."
  • Anne is tired of being compared to Margot.

    Anne is tired of being compared to Margot.
    "Margot, Margot. That's all I hear from everyone. How wonderful Margot is" Anne's family always asks her why she isn't more like Margot. Anne is fed up with hearing this from them.
  • Anne moves into the secret Annex

    Anne moves into the secret Annex
    "You no doubt want to hear what I think of being in hiding. Well, all I can say is that I don't really know yet. I don't think I'll ever feel at home in this house, but that doesn't mean I hate it."
  • Peter Van Daan arrives

    "Peter's going on sixteen, a shy, awkward boy whose company won't amount to much." Anne doesn't believe that she and Peter will be very good friends. She's not used to people as shy as Peter.
  • The Secret Annex becomes a "true secret"

    The Secret Annex becomes a "true secret"
    "Now our Secret Annex has truly become secret." The Secret Annex has become a true secret now. It is hidden by a large bookcase that swings on its hinges like a door.
  • The Scare

    The Scare
    Just when I thought my days were numbered, weheard Mr. Kleiman's voice saying, "Open up, it's me. " This is the day of "the scare". The Franks and the Van Danns thought that someone was attempting to break in to the Secret Annex. It turned out that the carpenter had heard movement and was being curious.
  • Mr. Dussel Arrives

    Mr. Dussel Arrives
    "We explained the whole thing to him, about how we'd deliberately spread the rumor of the officer and the car to throw the Germans and anyone else who might come lookingfor us off the track. Mr. Dussel was speechless in the face of such ingenuity, and could do nothing but gaze around in surprise as he explored the rest of our lovely Annex." Mr. Dussel was grateful for being allowed to stay in the Secret Annex. He was very surprised at how they went about going into hiding.
  • Anne is feeling very sad

    Anne is feeling very sad
    "No matter what I'm doing, I can't help thinking about those who are gone. I catch myself laughing and remember that it's a disgrace to be so cheerful....Still, I can't help telling you that lately I've begun to feel deserted. I'm surrounded by too great a void." Anne is feeling bad about the small amount of cheerfulness she gets in the Secret Annex.
  • Anne's relationship with her mother is getting worse

    Anne's relationship with her mother is getting worse
    "I'm seething with rage, yet I can't show it. I'd like to scream, stamp my foot, give Mother a good shaking, cry and I don't know what else because of the nasty words, mocking looks and accusations that she hurls at me day after day, piercing me like arrows from a tightly strung bow, which are nearly impossible to pull from my body." Anne has gotten in yet another fight with her mother. Her mother is constantly comparing her to Margot and now Peter.
  • Anne is in love with Peter and is growing annoyed with her father

    Anne is in love with Peter and is growing annoyed with her father
    "I can hardly bear to have him tutor me, and his affection seems forced. Iwant to be left alone, and I'd rather he ignored me for a while until I'm more sure of myself when I'm talking to him! I'm still torn with guilt about the mean letter I wrote him when I was so upset. Oh, it's hard to be strong and brave in every way!"
  • Anne's last diary entry

    Anne's last diary entry
    The happy-go-lucky Anne laughs, gives a flippant reply, shrugs her shoulders and pretends she doesn't give a darn. The quiet Anne reacts in just the opposite way. If I'm being completely honest, I'll have to admit that it does matter to me, that I'mt rying very hard to change myself, but that I'm always up against a more powerful enemy. In her last diary entry, Anne is analyzing herself. She's coming to terms with how she feels about Peter, how her personality is, and how she feels.