The Constitution and Federalist Administrations of Washington & John Adams

  • Slavery Issues in Constitution

    -3/5 compromise congress forbidden mpose duty greater $10 a head imported slaves
    -no authority to stop slave trade for 20 years
    -the 3/5 formula based false assumption that a slave 3/5 productive as a free worker

    -contributed only 3/5 as much wealth to the state
  • The Great Compromise & 3/5 Compromise

    -states represented lower house by basis of population
    -each slave counting as 3/5 of a free person
    -basis for representation & direct taxation upper house
    -states represented equally w/ 2 members each
    -new legislatrue no permitted to tax exports
    -forbidden impose duty more $10 a head imported slaves
    -no authority to stop slave trade for 20 years
  • Why was Constituion needed?

    -unpopular/ineffective american manufacturers
    -want replace various state tariffs
    -merchants & shippers wanted to replace 13 different state
    -commercial policies w/ a single
    -national one land speculators want indian menance
    -removed people were envioning a form of miilitary dictatorship
    -caused chaos, tension, disorder, and collapse of structure
  • Checks and Balances; Separations of Powers

    -checks and balances
    -legislative, executive, judicial branches
    -congress two chambers: senate and house of representative
    -president power to veto acts of congress
    -federal courts protection from executive
    -legislature helped shape a large republic & internal structure of fed govt
  • Federal Structure

    -divided power between states and nation
    -designed protect US from despotism
    -Americans believed emerged in England
    -designed protect nation from tyranny of the people
    excess of democracy (Shay's Rebellion) in new gvt
    - only members of house of rep would be elected directly by people
    -senators, president, & federal judges would be insulated in varying degrees from public
  • Comparison of power of gov’t Articles of Confederation gov’t and Constitution

    Constitution: neither federal govt /state govt
    -truly sovereign
    -derived authority from people
    - distribution of powers btween national and state govts
    - supreme law of the land,
    -no state could defy it power to tax,
    -regulate commerce, control currency A of C:
    each state shall retain every power, jurisdiction
    - right not expressly delegated to Congress could conduct wars and foreign relations,
    -borrow/issue money couldn't regulate trade, draft troops, or levy taxes.
  • Constituional Convention

    -New Jersey Plan
    -equal representation of states
    -expanded powers to tax
    -regulate commerce agreed to permit members of upper house to be elected by state legislatures
    -each state delegation have a single vote
    -major decisions no require unanimity only a simple majority
    -Virginia Plan: new national legislatrue consisting of two houses:
    -lower and upper by population

    -proposal aroused opposition followed NJ Plan
  • Federalist Papers

    -written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
    - under joint pseudonym
    -Publius explained meaning & virtues Constituion fed paper # 10
    -Madison - believed disagreements need not
    -no lead to formaiton of permanent factions "measures are too often decided
    -not according to rules of justice and rights of minor party
    -superior force of an interested and overbearing majority"
  • James Madison and his role with Constitution

    -created Virginia Plan
    -did most of the drafting of Constituion
    -helped resolve question of sovereignty
    -question limiting all power
    -gvt flowed ultimately from people distribution of powers between natoinal and state gvts
    -argued large republic less liekly to produce tyranny
    - contain many different factions
    -no single group could dominate it
  • Role of Constituion/sovereignty and federal powers

    - question of sovereignty
    -question of limiting power sovereignty
    -citizens thus netiher federal nor state
    -gvts truly sovereign
    -we the people
    - distribution of powers supreme law of the land
    -no state authority to defy it federal gvt
    -broad powers: power to tax
    -regulate commerce
    -control currency constituion
    -accepted existence of separate states
    -left important powers in their hands
  • Federalists vs Anti Federalists ratification arguments

    -anti fed - constituion would betray principles of revolution by establishing strong, potentially tyrannical
    -center of power increase taxes, bliterate states, wield dictatorial powers, favor well
    -born over common poeple
    -put end to liberty lacked a bill of rights
    - basic mistrust human nature &capacity of human beings to wield power feds
    - afraid of anarchy, chaos,
    -unchecked power of masses create gvt strong enough to act against threats to order and stability
  • Bill of Rights

    -1: freedom of religion, speech, press immunity from arbitrary arrest trial by jury
    -10: reserved to states
    -all powers except those specifically held from them/delegated to the federal government
    -Congress approved 12 ammendments to constituion,
    -9 placed limitations by forbidding it to infringe on certain basic rights
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    -Congress provided for a supreme court
    - six members, chief justice, 5 associate justices, 13 district courts w/ 1 judge apiece, 3 circuit courts appeal
    -1 of the district judges w/ 2 supreme court justicies
    -congress gave supreme court the power to make the final decision
    -in case involving the constitutionality of state laws
  • Comparison of Federalists with Rep-Democrats

    -Hamilton,John Adams (Washington) America require strong, national gvt w/ central authority
    -compex commercial economy
    -proud standing world affairs helped stabilize nation's western lands &strengthened America's international position
    -wanted to preserve stability
    -political disaster expressed horror at french revol
    -overthrow monarchy
    -execution of king/queen numerous in commercial centers of NE & Charleston
  • Assumption Bill/ Washington DC compromise

    -funding & assumption of debts
    -require new sources of revenue
    -gvt not pay interest loans
    -accepting 2 kinds of taxes: excise to be paid by distillers of alcoholic liquors tariff on imports
    -raise revenue &protect american manufacturing from foreign competition
    -Hamilton & Jefferson agreed provide northern support for placing capital in the south in exchange for VA's votes on the assumption bill
  • Comparison of Federalists with Rep-Democrats

    -Jefferson &Madison believed agrarian republic
    -no scorn commercial activity/industry
    -suspicious of large cities
    -feared urban mobs
    -opposed development advanced industrial economy
    -increase # of propoertyless workers packed in cities envisioned a decentralized soceity
    -dominated by small property owners engaged largely in agrarian activities
    -Rep applauded democratic
    -anti-aristocratic of french no like Nat Bank
    - disproved taxing farmers
  • Alexander Hamilton's Financial Plan: effects

    -proposed new govt take responsibility existing public debt
    - should call wealthy speculators in & exchange them uniform, interest bearing bonds, payable at definite dates
    -fed govt assume debts states accumulated during Revolution
    -encourage state & federal bondholders look to central gvt for eventual payment restored public credit
    -bonds US were selling at home & abroad at prices above par value
    -speculators reaped profits
    -manufacturers profited from tariffs
  • Policy of Neutrality

    -Washington declares US neutrality face of emerging European conflicts
    -He warns citizens no undermine the neutrality country at the risk of prosecution
    -no aid nor harm any country
    - those who break the law be punished & no further protection under the US
  • Jay's Treaty

    -goals: secure compensation recent british assaults of american shipping
    -demand withdrawal british forces from frontier posts
    -negotiate new commercial treaty failed
    -settled conflict with british
    -helped prevent possibility of war est undisputed american sovereignty over entire NW
    -produced reasonably satisfactory commercial relationship w/ Britain
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    -farmers PA raised major challenge fed authority
    -refused to pay whiskey excise tax

    -began terrorizing tax collectors
    -Washington called militias of three states, raised army & personally led troops into PA
    - rebellion collapsed
    -fed gvt won allegiance of whiskey rebels by intimidating them
    -won loyalties other frontier people accept their territories as new states in the Union
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    -spain recognized right of americans navigate Mississippi to mouth
    -deposit goods at new orleans for reloading on oceangoing ships
    -agreed to fix the northern bounday of florida
    -americans always had insisited it should be
    -alongside 31st parallel required spanish authorities to prevent the indians in florida
    -bc launching raids acorss border
  • John Adams elected 2nd President

    -presided over divided party
    -faced strong & resourceful republican opposition committed
    -extinction hamilton still remained the most influential federalist
    -adams never challenge him effectively
    -little talent at concilating differences
    -soliciting support
    -inspiring enthusiasm
    -defeated jefferson by only 3 electoral votes
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    -alien act
    -placed new obstacles foreigners who wished become american citizens
    -strengthened the president's hand in dealing w/ aliens sedition act
    - allowed gvt prosecute those engaged against sedition
    -gvt law made impossible for the federal gvt to stifle opposition alien act
    - helped discourage immigration
    -encouraged foreigners to leave
  • Virginia Resolution and Kentucky Resolution

    -used ideas of John Locke
    -argue fed gvt formed by compact among states
    -possessed only certain delegated powers whenever it exercised any undelegated powers
    -its acts were unauthoritative, void
    -no force KY (Jefferson)
    resolve: f parties to the contract, the states, decided that central gvt had exceeded those powers
    -right to nulify appropriate laws VA (Madison)
    resolve: same claim only VA and KY declared the congressional statutes void
  • Revolution of 1800 - Thomas Jefferson is elected

    -Jefferson Republicans when votes for counted
    -Jefferson & Aaron Burr both had 73
    -House of Rep choose each state delegation would cast a ginel vote
    -Federalists' decision
    -beleived Burr unreliable to trust w/ presidency
    -Jefferson became president
  • Midnight appointments of president john adams

    -Judiciary Act of 1801
    -federalists reduced # supreme court justiceships by 1
    -increased # federal judgeships
    -Adams appointed federalists to the newly created positions
    -there were charges that he stayed up until midnight on last day in office finish signing the new judges' commissions "midnight appointments"
  • Historians' interpretations on why Constituion was written

    -Charles A Beard
    - economic interpretation US constituion
    -1780s critical period for certain conservative business interests feared decentralized political structure of republic imperiled financial position

    -wanted a gvt able promote industry & trade
    protect private property
    -make good the public debt constit
    - economic document w/ skill by men property interests were at stake
  • Historians' interpretations on why Constituion was written

    -Jack Rakove
    - Priginal Meanings
    -constitution no product single intelligence or broad consensus result of a long/vigorous debate
    -views of many different groups found their way into doc framers differed in views of proper relationship betwen federal &state gvt constituion is not infinitely malleable
    -Rakove says neither does it have a fixed meaning
    -can be reliable guide to how we interpret it