The Comedy Writing Secrets By Mel Helitzer

  • Page 1-20

    I read what the point of writing is and how it is important to writing comedy.
  • Pages 21-50

    This section was mainly teaching me or the reader how comedy takes affect and how it reflects on yo. it also explains how important it is to your audience that you talk to them all instead of just one person.
  • Pages 51-70

    This Section is mainly about how your writing can and should contain Cleches and double entendres. It tells when to use them and how to use them. Also the section talks about meleprops and where in your writing to use it.
  • Pages 71-100

    This section is mainly about how to start writing with the simple greet with the audience. get to know the audience but dont stare. sometimes singling out people makes your show funny as long as you dont get to carried away.
  • Pages 101-130

    This part is mainly about how to take off in your comedy and many brainstorming ideas for creating the many hilarious jokes.
  • pages 138-190

    This section is mainly about how paired elements, Phrases, words, Statistics, and aphorisms come into play in your writing to make it more sophisticated. Its starts to talk about how foul language and funny words are funny but it has to be funny for the audience to laugh. Remember to talk to the audience like you would if you were talking to 1 person
  • Pages 191-250

    In this part that i read, the author starts to talk about writing humor for speeches. For example to get rid of stage fright start with one joke that suits your audience. Also it talks about whether you stand up or sit down in your live act. it all depends how you feel comfortable.
  • Pages 251-342

    This section is mainly about how columns, articles, and fillers are a good way to help writers block. Also it talks about how to use humor in greeting cards aand cartoons. has to fir your audience. Next it talks about how t write comedy for TV sitcoms. Last to say it also says to teach others the way comedy is supposed to be written. the onl way to do that is apply what you learned and put it into action.