
The College of Me

  • Freshman Year: Fall Semester

    Freshman Year: Fall Semester
    Deciding What YOU Want: Discovering You: Defining Your Educational and Personal Goals
    Career Exploration: Finding Career Options
    A Survey in Time Management
    Writing for the Academic Paper
    Math for Liberal Arts Majors: Not Applicable After This Semester
  • Period: to

    A Four Year Guide To College

  • Freshman Year: Spring Semester

    Freshman Year: Spring Semester
    Focusing On The Basics: World Humanities
    United States History
    Introduction to Psychology
    Introduction to Art
    Science for Liberal Arts Majors
  • Summer

    Use the summer to explore different things: read at the beach, become a camp counselor, intern with a congress person, babysit, work in the service industry. Most importantly: catch up on sleep!
  • Sophomore Year: Fall Semester

    Sophomore Year: Fall Semester
    Continuing Introductions to Academic Fields: Introduction to Sociology
    Introduction to Music
    Introduction to Political Science
    World Civlization
    Introduction to Philosophy
  • Sophomore Year: Spring Semester

    Sophomore Year: Spring Semester
    Deciding YOUR Major What Can I Do With This Degree?: An Overview
    Me & My Mentor: Working with a Professional in the Field
    Three Intermediate Courses in Your Major
  • Summer

    Use this summer to gain applicable on-the-job experience for your major!
  • Junior Year: Fall Semester

    Junior Year: Fall Semester
    5 Advanced Courses In Your Major
    Find Volunteer Work Applicable to Your Field
    Create a Club Relevant to Your Interests
  • Junior Year: Spring Semester

    Junior Year: Spring Semester
    Study Abroad Requirement *Must include cultural and language immersion
  • Summer

    Two Advanced Classes for Your Major
    Part-time Internship/Job/Research Project
  • Senior Year: Fall Semester

    Senior Year: Fall Semester
    Five Advanced Courses Required For Your Major *By the end of this semester, you will have finished with all of your in-class requirments for graduation!
  • Senior Year: Spring Semester

    Senior Year: Spring Semester
    Complete Full-Time Internship to Gain Valuable Experience (and maybe lead to a job offer after graduation!) Senior Thesis is composed of portfolio of papers/projects that describe your volunteer experience, internship opportunities, study abroad learning, and any other relevant information.
  • Graduation

    Congratulations! You have successfully completed your liberal arts degree! In addition to your diploma, you have also built an impressive resume that will be beneficial in applying to graduate school, jobs, or wherever you have decided your life will take you!