The Cold War

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    Joseph Stalin (Russia)

    Joseph Stalin rose to power after Vladimie Lenin's death in 1924 . After coming to power he creating a toltarian country purely controlled by him as he played "Big Brother" in a sense.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    WInston Churchill , Ex-Prime Minister of Britain says the "Iron Curtain Speech" to a crowd of 7,000 people in Fulton , Missisouri. The purpose was to inform people in general about the intentions and the rise of power of the Soviet Union.
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    Cold War

    The Cold War was a political and economical time of tension between countries . Some of this tension was due to economic standings , governmental issues and threats.
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    The Second Red Scare

    The Red Scare got its name from the Russian's Allegiance to their country ( SInce there flag is red). It was a time period in which crucial American governmental workers were "studied" to test their true loyallty to their country ( usually if they were Russian Americans) .
  • Berlin Blockade begins

    Berlin Blockade begins
    Created by the Soviet Union to block enterance of other countries into Berlin.
  • President Truman

    Became 33rd President after F.D.R's death in 1945 and he allowed the use of atomic bombs towards Japan. He was re-elected in 1948.
  • McCarthyism

    McCarthyism : A political witch trial that involved Senator Joseph McCarthy as he accused American governmental workers of belonging to the American- Communist party.
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    Korean War

    During this span of time the Korean War began and ended. The countries that were involved were South and North Korea, USA, USSR and the People's Republic of China.
  • Rosenberg / Sobell Trial

  • Korean War Ended

    Korean War Ended
    At the end of the Korean war all of the involved countries ( USA , People's Republic of China, South Korea and North Korea) came to an armstice.
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    President Eisenhower

    President Eisenhower was P.O.T.U.S from 1953- 1961. Prior to this he was a U.S General who was "in power" during the Storming of Normandy and the defeat of the Nazi Party.
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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War was a war between the North Vietmanesse army (who was being supported by China) and the South Vietmanesse army (who was being supported by the United States. The main point of this war was to reunite the two seperate halves of Vietnam , but it was prolonged more then it had to be .
  • Sputnik Launched into Orbit

    Sputnik Launched into Orbit
    On this date the Soviet Union launched the first ever artificla satilitte into the Earth's orbit . This is a imporant occurence in the infamous "Space Race" between the Soviet Union and the United States.
  • USSR Khrushchev

    USSR Khrushchev
    Nikita Khrushchev was elected "leader" ( First Secretary of the Communist party in March 27th , 1958 . He was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missle crisis. He eventually removed the missles from Cuba and was later removed from office.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    The " Bay of Pigs" involved nationlist FIdel Castro and the supposed invasion that would take place in Cuba.
  • Berlin Wall was Erected

    Berlin Wall was Erected
    Ther Berlin Wall was offically and totally created pm August 15th 1961. Berlin had been seperated into four seperate "zones", one for each involved country . The wall was "put up" to keep seperate the communistic part from the other sections and to keep people from the eastern zone from "desserting" their home.
  • Reagen visits the Berlin Wall

    Reagen visits the Berlin Wall
    On this date President Reagen visited the Berlin wall. This is when he uttered the infamous worsd " Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
  • Berlin Wall was Demolished

    Berlin Wall was Demolished
    The demolition of the Berlin Wall was initiated by President' Reagan's visit and speech that followed aften in 1987. It was demolished after the Soviet Union'd fall and allowed the German's to have what they wanted : freedom.