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  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference The yalta conference was a meeting between Stalin, F.D.R., and Churchill. The war in Europe was declining so they discussed the actions they should all take after Germany surrenders. The Yalta seemed to be a healthy and good meeting between the leaders.That is where it was decided to split up Germany.
  • Period: to

    cold war

  • Berlin Declaration

    Berlin Declaration After Germany officaily surrendered they signed a document agreeing to all of the Allied demands. This is important because Germany was officially under the control of the Allied Powers. Germany would get split up and tension would slowly rise between Western powers and Soviet Union.
  • potsdam conference

    potsdam conference The Potsdam Conference is important because it is the last meeting the big three have. The leaders finalize the arrangments for Germany and postwar europe. They also all agree on a declaration demanding totaly surrender by the Japanese.
  • Northern Vietnam

    Northern Vietnam Vietnam instantly declares their independence from France when Japan surrenders. Ho Chi Minh was the leader who declared the independence. After the war was over they could declare themselves free but they needed to wait tell Japan surrendered. Vietnam also then became communist with its new found freedom.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech Churchill gave a speech about an "iron curtain" that was between communist Eastern Europe and the Western Europe. Churchill warned about Soviets expansionistic ideals. He also wanted America and Britain to be closer. The speech is one of the predecessors to the Cold War.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan The Marshall Plan was supposed to egnite the economy in Europe and begin a bright future. The plan was made so that Europe does not go through a depression like after the first World War. The plan also caused tension because the Soviets did not allow Poland or Czechoslovakia to join in.
  • Containment Policy

    Containment Policy George F. Kennan was the one who proposed the idea of attempting to contain communism. The point of containment is if communism does not spread and America does not have to go to another war then it is a win. It is important because America attempts countless times to contain communism without fighting the Soviets directly.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade The Berlin Blockade was important because it showed a physical seperation between what the Soviets wanted against what USA wanted. They went through a lot just to ensure that the wall would seperate the American side and the Soviet side. Tension began to rise even more now
  • Berlin Airlift

     Berlin Airlift The United States begins to drop crates of food, water, and other necesities into Berlin via airplanes. The planes would fly over and drop all the supplies and head back over to the free side of Berlin. About 2 million Berliners were being helped with the supplies for about a year.
  • NATO

    NATO NATO is a pact between 12 countries including the United States. The main goal of the pact is to strengthen the United States against the Soviets. NATO wanted to contain communism as well. NATO stood together against the Soviets throughout the Cold War.
  • Soviet Union tests A-Bomb

    Soviet Union tests A-Bomb USSR has their first attempt at a nuclear bomb succeed, nicknamed the "first lightning". Klaus Fuchs was the American scientist who gave Russia the information. America no longer had the upper hand, it was an even playing field.
  • Korean War - American involvement

     Korean War - American involvement The Korean War was between North and South Korea. North is the communist side so America decides to help out the South. America helps so much they push the North all the way into China. America and the South did end up being pushed back all the way.This is important because America helped stop the spread of communism and America officially lost blood to stop communism from spreading.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

     Julius and Ethel Rosenberg The Rosenberg's were both caught and put on trial for espionage. The jury ended up sentencing the couple to death. The couple ended up being a big topic of debate over whether the actions of the United States was civil.
  • Eisenhower Presidency

     Eisenhower Presidency Eisenhower ended the Korean War and dealt with all of the Cold War tensions. He was in charge of many CIA secret missions but also led the American economy and people very well. He also helped make our freeway system into what it is today. Overall he was very successful while in office which was important and necessary during the Cold War.
  • Nikita Khrushchev

     Nikita Khrushchev Khrushchev was the man who rose to power after Stalin. He had to earn his spot and kick some people out of the way but he did end up being the sole leader. His leadership is important because while he struggled to gain leadership their was a time off peace.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact The Warsaw Pact was the USSR version of Americas NATO pact. The pact showed that USSR would not be fighting alone either. Throughout the Cold War this pact would be used or thought of many times by both sides.
  • Vietnam War - American involvement

    Vietnam War - American involvement
    the war was the southern Vietnam and America against Northern communist Vietnam and the Viet Cong. The Vietnam War was very bloody and the Vietnamese had tactics and home court advantage that the Americans could not combat. Nixon withdrew the troops which cemented the war as a win for the communist side.
  • sputnik

    sputnik Sputnik was the first object humans put into space. The Soviets were the ones who put Sputnik up into space which pressured America to reply. This began the Space Race. Russia sent Sputnik to show a sign of dominance and to scare Americans.
  • Cuban Revolution

    Cuban Revolution Batista was once in charge but Fidel Castro took over and kicked him out. Americans liked his regime and wanted to overthrow Castro since he won over the people with his charisma. Castro began to befriend the Soviets which was unsettling for America. The revolution was important because it brought communism closer to America
  • U2 Incident (1960)

    U2 Incident (1960) The spy plane was over Soviet airspace when it was shot down. The Soviets captured the pilot and sentenced him to 10 years but was exchanged in 2 years for a soviet spy. The U2 getting shot down rose tensions even further and caused ebaressment on the American side.
  • Kennedy Presidency

    Kennedy Presidency John F. Kennedy was the youngest man ever selected for office and his family becomes the ideal model family. He was also assigninated while in office. He attempted to overthrow Castro but failed but succeeded in getting the Cuban Missle Crises solved. Kennedy was an important President because he changed the way people looked at Presidents and his success dealing with the USSR.
  • First Man in Space

    First Man in Space Vostok 1 carried Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin into space which made him the first man to ever enter space. USSR being in space before America was very important because they felt more confident. Also America is also behind and its hard to catch up.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs The plan of the Bay of Pigs was to overthrow Castro and prove to people that Kennedy meant business about winning the Cold War. The plan failed and the Cuban-American troops surrendered in less then 24 hours. Kennedy was embarresed by the event because it was one of his first actions as president.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall was made to create a blockade between Russian owned Germany and the rest of Germny. The Berlin Wall seperated families for a very long time and it also created tension. The U.S.'s and USSR's the first symbol of the Cold War is the wall.
  • Checkpoint Charlie

    Checkpoint Charlie At Checkpoint Charlie USSR and America both had their tanks facing off at eachother. Russia was not letting America go into the Russian side of Berlin. In the end neither side fired a shot and crises was deverted. Checkpoint Charlie is the first of many very heated and close call situations.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who assassinatted John F, Kennedy. He never got to say his side of the story because Oswald was also assassinated. This event was traumatic for America because the president was so loved and the death was very gory.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

     Gulf of Tonkin Resolution The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution approved the expansion of the Vietnam War. The war got to be very bloody and this is was a step in that direction. This was crucial because it showed how big the war may get.
  • Prague Spring

    Prague Spring The Stalinist Ruler was overthrown so there was a brief period of time in Czechoslovakia with peace. This period of time is known as Prague Spring due to the happiness of it. Alexander Dubcek enforces rights that everyone should have.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive In the Vietnam War the Viet Cong and North Vietnam pushed about 100 attacks over different cities very quickly. The damage was terrible and the warfare was new to the Americans. The American republic was shocked to see and hear how difficult it was over there.
  • Nixon Presidency

    Nixon Presidency Nixon succeeded in ending the war in Vietnam and making the relations between China and Russia much better. His watergate scandal never left his name even with his success.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11 The Apollo 11 mission was the greatest success for the Americans during the Space Race. Two austronauts were priviledged enough to walk on the moon. Landing and walking on the Moon was gigantic because it was finally a big win in the Space Race for America.
  • SALT I

     SALT I The SALT I was just negotiations on what the countries should do on what seemed to be a never ending arms race. The countries did come to an agreement which was a good sign. The meeting showed that an end to the Cold War was possible.
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China Nixon goes to Beijing and improves the relations with China. He wants relations to improve and he even openly blames Truman for losing China to communism. His work with China was important because even today we are working with them through business and our economies.
  • Détente

    Détente Detente is the period of time that relations between USSR and USA got better. Both USSR and USA benifited from trade and good a good relationship so the Cold War got much colder. This is important because it showed that the war can come to an end.

     SALT II This treaty is one of the most controversial treaties in the Cold War and it never went fully into effect. The treaty was involving nuclear weapons. Both sides had leverage and some fear against the opposite side so it was even. The treaty was important because it was just one more step to the war ending.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords The Paris Peace Accords called for a cease fire throughout Vietnam and for America to pull its troops out. The meeting was for the South, America, and the North, Viet Cong wasn't mentioned. The Vietnamese war is over after this.
  • Reagan Presidency

    Reagan Presidency Reagan helped tear down the Berlin Wall and he was a great speaker. Reagan was known for being able to get what he wanted done through words or pen, not war. Reagan helped to finalize the end to the Cold War.
  • “Tear Down This Wall” speech

     “Tear Down This Wall” speech With the Berlin Wall behind him Reagan tells Gorbachev to tear down the wall. He tells him that tearing it down will truly show that he wants peace and freedom. This speech is important because it was delivered fabulously and it worked, two years later the wall was taken down.
  • Tiananmen Square Massacre

    Tiananmen Square Massacre Protestors gathered around to protest against the opressive government in Tiananmen Square. They protested for weeks until the government sent in military to just shoot randomly in the crowd. The Chinese government shocked all countries, allies or not.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall The wall went up to seperate Russian owned Germany and the rest, so the fall of the Berlin Wall symbolizes the end to the cold war. The wall was up such a long period of time, German families reuniting overwhelming.
  • Dissolution of the Soviet Union

    Dissolution of the Soviet Union The fall of the USSR was truly the end to any kind of Cold War. USSR split up because the extra countries it controlled wanted to branch away. It was a big deal that USSR disbanded because of all of the new oportunities for the countries that left Russia.