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The Cold War

  • Beginning of the Cold War

    Beginning of the Cold War
    Beginning of the Cold War The Cold War began as a issue between the communist nations that were led by the soviet union and the democratic nations led by the united states.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Yalta Conference The Yalta Conference was towards the end of world war 2, but a lot of desicions were made in the conference which led up to the front of the Cold War. Things that were discussed in this conference were the dividing of Germany and formation of the United Nations.
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    Warsaw Pact formed
    Warsaw Pact formed The Warsaw Pact was one of the Soviet Union's primary mechanisms for keeping East European allies under its political and military control.
  • Ferderal Civil Defense Administration Established

    Ferderal Civil Defense Administration Established
    FCDA Established During the Cold War, a lot of people were scared of a nuclear strike from the Soviet Union. So the FCDA protected civilians by creating a civil defense campaign which emphasizes the use of fall out shelters
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Creation of the Berlin Wall
    Creation of the Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall was built August 13, 1961 and it cut off the land from both East Germany and West Germany. The wall included guard towers and large concrete walls.
  • Berlin Border Closed

    Berlin Border Closed
    Berlin Border Closed During the Cold War, Berlin was in the middle of it. East and West was divided in the city, which the Belin Wall was a symbol of the "iron curtain"
  • Reconstruction of the Berlin Wall

    Reconstruction of the Berlin Wall
    Reconstruction of the Berlin Wall Due to the creation of the Berlin Wall, Germany was split in two. East Germany was with the Soviet Union and other communist states but they were a one-party communist dictatorship. West Germany was with the Western capitalist democracies but they were a parliamentary democracy.
  • Soviet Troops withdraw from Afghanistan

    Soviet Troops withdraw from Afghanistan
    Soviet Troops withdraw from Afghanistan Soviet Union troops were withdrawing from Afghanistan after being in the country for nine years.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    Berlin Wall Falls
    Berlin Wall Falls An east German government official stated that in the press conference that civilians were able to travel through the border to the west. People went to the border to see if it was true and guards let them through. After that, a huge number of people came to the berlin wall and celebrated.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union/ End of the Cold War

    The fall of the Soviet Union/ End of the Cold War
    End of Cold War The fall of the Soviet Union happened right as Mikhail GorBachev got power. He removed Soviet forces from Afghanistan and the Cold War finally came to an end.