Time piece

The Civil Rights Era Timeline

By KoryJ
  • Laws of Desegregation

    Laws of Desegregation
    Supreme Court outlaws
    school segregation in Brown
    v. Board of Education
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Era

  • Anti-Desegregation

    White citizens council is
    formed to resist desegregation
  • Emmet Louis Till

    Emmet Louis Till
    Murdered for speaking to a white woman,
    Money, Miss.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks arrested for
    refusing to give up her
    seat on a bus to a white
    man, Montgomery, Ala.
  • Boycott

    Montgomery bus
    boycott begins
  • Laws of Desegregation on Busses

    Laws of Desegregation on Busses
    Supreme Court bans
    segregated seating on
    Montgomery buses
  • Civil Rights Act Passed

    Civil Rights Act Passed
    Congress passes first
    Civil Rights Act since
  • School Desegregation in Little Rock

    School Desegregation in Little Rock
    President Dwight D.
    Eisenhower orders
    federal troops to enforce
    school desegregation,
    Little Rock, Ark.
  • The Lovings Are Married

    The Lovings Are Married
    Mildred Loving age 18, and Richard Loving age 24 are married after bearing their first child, they reside in Virginia where Interatial marriage is illigal
  • The Arrest of the Lovings

    The Arrest of the Lovings
    Richard and Mildred Loving plead guilty as a result of the violation of miscegenation laws of Virginia in Caroline County Circuit Court on January 6, 1959.
  • Whites only Table

    Whites only Table
    Black students stage sit-in
    at “whites only” lunch
    counter, Greensboro, N.C.
  • SNCC is Founded

    SNCC is Founded
    Student Nonviolent
    Coordinating Committee
    (SNCC) is founded to promote youth involvement
  • Bus Terminal Desegregation

    Bus Terminal Desegregation
    Supreme Court outlaws
    segregation in bus terminals
  • UGA Desegregated

    UGA Desegregated
    The University of Georgia
    is desegregated after a
    federal judge orders that two
    African-American students
    be admitted. White students
    jeer, “two, four, six, eight, we
    don’t want to integrate.
  • Freedom Riders Attacked

    Freedom Riders Attacked
    Freedom Riders attacked
    in Alabama while testing
    compliance with bus
    desegregation laws
  • Fed. Marshals Protect Against Mob

    Fed. Marshals Protect Against Mob
    Federal Marshals sent to
    protect civil rights activists
    threatened by a mob in
    Montgomery, Ala.
  • Civil Rights Groups Collaborate

    Civil Rights Groups Collaborate
    Civil rights groups join
    forces to launch voterregistration drive
  • Riot at Ole Miss

    Riot at Ole Miss
    Riots erupt when James
    Meredith, a black student,
    enrolls at Ole Miss
    (University of Mississippi)
  • Police Invade March

    Police Invade March
    Birmingham police
    attack marching
    children with dogs
    and fire hoses
  • Alabama Governor Resists School Integration

    Alabama Governor Resists School Integration
    Alabama governor
    stands in schoolhouse door to stop
    university integration
  • Medgar Evers Assassinated

    Medgar Evers Assassinated
    Civil rights leader
    Jackson, Miss.
  • March on washington

    March on washington
    25,000 Americans march on
    Washington for civil rights
  • Four Girls Killed in Bombing

    Four Girls Killed in Bombing
    Schoolgirls killed in bombing
    of Sixteenth Street Baptist
    Church, Birmingham, Ala
  • Mildred Files Complaint about Laws

    Mildred Files Complaint about Laws
    Mildred Loving after being removed from virginia for 25 years wrote a letter to Robert F. Kennedy and the American Civil Liberties Union disscussing the injustices at hand, a court case was put into effect in hopes to change the miscgenation laws of Virginia. The case took effect from October 28, 1964 to June 12, 1967
  • Constitiutions 24th Amendment

    Constitiutions 24th Amendment
    The 24th amendment to the
    U.S. Constitution outlaws poll
    tax in federal elections
  • Civil Rights Workers Abducted by KKK

    Civil Rights Workers Abducted by KKK

    Civil rights workers abducted and
    slain by klansmen, Philadelphia, Miss.
  • Period: to

    Timespan of Injustices in the Civil Rights Era

  • 1000 Civil Rights Volunteers

    1000 Civil Rights Volunteers
    Freedom Summer brings
    1,000 young civil rights
    volunteers to Miss.
  • President Signs Civil Rights Act

    President Signs Civil Rights Act
    President Lyndon B. Johnson
    signs Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • State Trooper Kills Civil Rights Marcher

    State Trooper Kills Civil Rights Marcher
    Civil rights marcher
    killed by state trooper,
    Marion, Ala.
  • Black Marchers Beaten By Authorities

    Black Marchers Beaten By Authorities
    State troopers beat back
    marchers at Edmund
    Pettus Bridge, Selma, Ala.
  • March Completed

    March Completed
    Civil rights march from Selma
    to Montgomery completed
  • Congress Passes Voting Act

    Congress Passes Voting Act
    Congress passes Voting
    Rights Act of 1965
  • The Court Rules in Favor of the Lovings Case

    The Court Rules in Favor of the Lovings Case
    The case of the miscgenation laws in Virginia had finally come to a conclusion when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the lovings over Virginia, The Anti-Miscgenation laws were then abolished in Virginia.