The breakdown of international order

By H90
  • Support for Socialism in

    Socialist ideas were more popular than ever
    More working-class men had the vote
    Working-class men wanted a party that supported their views
  • republic of Weimar

    A new government took over when the Kaiser abdicated
    The Weimar Republic had many problems
    Years of unrest
    Left and right mean…
    Reasons for discontent
    Soon there were riots and rebellions
  • The creation of Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler was the Nazi leader
    The Nazis became popular with several groups
  • communist

    the Communists led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg tried to take over Berlin in the Spartacist Revolt, but they were defeated by the Freikorps
  • Freikorps

    of the right-wing Freikorps themselves took part in the Kapp Putsch (Putsch = revolt), led by Wolfgang Kapp, they took over Berlin to form another government. The workers staged a General Strike and Kapp gave up
  • Germany couldn't pay the reparations

    Hyperinflation had three major results
    The Nazis led the Munich Putsch
    Stresemann and Recovery
    Stresemann wanted international cooperation
    Germany had begun to recover

    But they still depended on US money
  • the French occupation of the Ruhr

    This led to fury in Germany, while workers in the Ruhr refused to work: the government started printing money to pay the striking workers: hyperinflation, with 3 major results:
    Wages were paid twice a day before prices went up again
    The Middle Class lost out as bank saving became worthless
    The German Mark became worthless
  • Labour party

    Labour didn’t get into government
  • The SS

    The SS, formed in 1925 as a personal force for Hitler and the leading Nazis
    The Gestapo were secret police and could arrest anybody without cause
  • The general strike

    The Samuel Report was fair but nobody liked it
    The General Strike began when the subsidy ended
    The strikers couldn’t close the country down
    Effects of the General Strike
    The General Strike didn’t last long
    The Strike’s failure was a blow to the unions
  • Wall Street Crash

    The First World War had drained Britain’s resources
    Britain’s staple industries were outdated
    Two Britains
    Scotland, Wales and the North of England suffered worst
    The Midlands and South East of England still did OK
  • The Depression hit Germany hard

    membership of the Nazi party had risen to nearly 200,000 people thought the Weimar Government couldn’t sort out Germany’s problems
  • The political situation changed

  • The rise of the Nazis

    The Nazis were like an ‘Army’
    The elections of 1930 showed Nazi gains
    Germany had no strong government
    Hindenburg refused to give the Nazis power
  • The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 make the League of Nations look weak

    The League of Nations sent Lord Lytton to assess the situation, producing a report which said the Japanese had been wrong, but the League didn’t do anything else to end the crisis
  • Nazi popularity

    There was no real opposition to the Nazis
    Hitler controlled young people’s beliefs
    Eight main reasons for Hitler’s popularity
  • Hitler comes to Power

    The Nazis lost seats in the elections
    The Nazis used dirty tricks to win.
    Hitler changed the Law to gain control
    The night of the long knives
  • Hitler solved unemployment in Germany

    Hitler started a huge programme of public works, which gave jobs to thousands of people, including the stadium which would hold the 1936 Olympic Games
  • Hitler’s foreign policy

    Left League of Nations
    Began to build up armed forces
  • The Dead of Hindenburg

    The SA had been destroyed, and a month later, when Hindenburg died, Hitler combined the posts of Chancellor and President, made himself Commander-in-Chief of the Army, and was called Der Führer (the leader)
  • The Jews in Nazi Germany

    Hitler believed the Germans were a super-race
    The Nazis hated the Jews
    In 1935 he passed the Nuremberg Laws
  • Hitler’s foreign policy

    Introduced Conscription
    Refused to accept Treaty of Versailles
    Anglo-German Naval agreement Germany’s navy is 36% of Britain’s and allowed submarines
  • causes of the Second World War

    Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland
  • Hitler’s foreign policy

    Occupation of Rhineland
    Rome-Berlin Axis Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan and Italy
  • Berlin Olimpic games

  • Germany involved in the Spanish Civil War in

    Italy and Germany joined in on the side of the Right-Wing Nationalists, and 1600 people were killed at the town of Gernika by a German warplane attack
  • causes of the Second World War

    Hitler pressurized Czechoslovakia
  • Hitler’s foreign policy

    Anschluss with Austria
    Occupied Sudetenland
  • Kristallnacht The night of the broken glass

    was a series of pogroms and blended attacks that occurred in Nazi Germany and Austria during the night of 9 November 10, 1938 and conducted by the assault troops of the SA together with the civilian population, while the German authorities watched without intervene.
    Presented by the Nazis responsible as a spontaneous reaction of the people after the murder on November 7, 1938, Ernst vom Rath, secretary of the German embassy in Paris by a young Polish Jew of German origin, Herschel Grynszpan,
  • causes of the Second World War

    Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia
  • causes of the Second World War

    The Treaty of Non-Aggression between the Third Reich and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, colloquially known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union by the ministers of Foreign Affairs of Germany and the Soviet Union, Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov respectively. The pact was signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939, nine days before the start of World War II.
  • Hitler’s foreign policy

    Occupied rest of Czechoslovakia
    Pact of Steel with Italy
    Treaty with Russia
    Invaded Poland Sept