The Age of Napoleon

  • Italian Campaign (green)

    Italian Campaign (green)
    The Italian Campaign was many different fights led by Napoleon compiled together. Some fights during the campaign included Toulon and many against the Austrians. This was a major success as he led the military to multiple victories.
  • Egyptian Campaign (yellow)

    Egyptian Campaign (yellow)
    This campaign was multiple fights in Egypt and Syria. Napoleon started off successful while he was in Egypt but when he reached the Middle East, his whole fleet was blown up and his whole army was captured.
  • Banque de France (green)

    Banque de France (green)
    The Banque de France was a national bank that was founded by Napoleon to foster economic recovery after the revolutionary period.
  • Concordat of 1801 (yellow)

    Concordat of 1801 (yellow)
    This was an agreement between Napoleon and papal and clerical representatives stating the status of the church and ending the breach.
  • Consul for Life (green)

    Consul for Life (green)
    Napoleon became the First Consul of Life at age 30 which gave him the highest power. He worked to restore peace, order, and unity. He was well liked and helped France a lot.
  • Napoleonic Code (green)

    Napoleonic Code (green)
    The Napoleonic Code were civil law codes that the French followed and are revised and still used around the world today. This code was made in 1801 but published in 1804.
  • Consulate (yellow)

    Consulate (yellow)
    The Consulate was a group of three men including Napoleon but he was the First Consul and only one with real power. They did things such as make new laws but only lasted until 1804 when Napoleon declared himself Emperor.
  • Declared self emperor (green)

    Declared self emperor (green)
    Napoleon left the French Consulate to become the next emperor. He invited many important people including the pope. During his coronation he shocked everyone by crowning himself and then Josephine. He then became the ruler of France and soon Italy.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (red)
    This battle was a naval battle between Britain and French in which Napoleon was defeated. The British fleet of 15 ships took down the French fleet of 18 ships. This proved Britain’s naval power for years to come.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (red)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (red)
    The Holy Roman Empire started off as a power house but slowly declined. The decline increased even more when the nations they controlled grew and they couldn’t possibly keep up with them all. It had its wins and losses but ultimately failed.
  • Continental System (yellow)

    Continental System (yellow)
    This system was an attempt to block Great Britain by destroying its commerce. This shut off all trade between Britain and allies, neutrals, and French. Cutting of the Britain income was a plus but not getting their resources was a loss.
  • Resistance in Spain (yellow)

    Resistance in Spain (yellow)
    Napoleon and his army invaded Spain in 1808 which then became the Peninsula War. This war was back and forth fighting and violence and it all ended when France was invaded forcing Napoleon to give up and abdicate.
  • Invasion of Russia (red)

    Invasion of Russia (red)
    Napoleon led his men into Russia but they were aware and retreated back to the interior of Russia. The French were not prepared for a giant march and lost over 200,000 men without fighting a single battle. They finally fought the Russians once but ended up losing.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)
    This was a three day battle between France and four enemy powers which resulted in another defeat for Napoleon. After this terrible lost the French lost their holds in Germany and Poland.
  • Abdication (red)

    Abdication (red)
    After the first few months of Napoleons success in 1814, many major powers were targeting him. After signing a treaty, Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain agreed to get rid of Napoleon. After Paris was capitulated, Napoleon finally abdicated in April.
  • Hundred Days (yellow)

    Hundred Days (yellow)
    The hundred days began after Napoleon escaped from his exile on Elba and ended when Louis XVIII returned to Paris. This led to the Battle at Waterloo.
  • Waterloo

    This was the final battle for Napoleon. Once again he was met by the Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley. With Napoleon sitting back and waiting to attack, Wellesley was able to gain 30,000 more soldiers. At this point Napoleon was overpowered and underprepared which led to his final demise.