The Age of Napoleon

By Terranx
  • Napoleons Birth Date

    Napoleon was born in the city of Corsica
  • Start of the French Revolution

    The French Revolution generally started during the Storming of the Bastille
  • Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror started in 1792 and only lasted till 1793
  • Battle of Toulon

    This battle was one of Napoleons first wins.
  • Npoleons Egyptian Campaign

    Napoleons Egyption Campaign failed... Yet no one knew about it because he hid it from his entire nation.
  • 18 Brumaire Coup

    This brought Napoleon into power of First Consul of Frace and ended the French Revolution.
  • First Consul for Life Vote

    This basically made sure that Napoleon would be a member or the Consul for the rest of his life.
  • Napoleonic Code

    The Napoleonic code is the code of laws Napoleon established that had things like freedom of religion and that government jobs went to people who were most qualified for the job.
  • Napoleons Coronation

    This coronation gave Napoleon the tital of emperor
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    A sea battle during the War of the Third Coalition
  • Battle of Austerlitz

    One of Napoleons greatest victories where the French Empire defeated the Third Coalition.
  • Continental System

    Napoleons policy he created during his struggle against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • Peninsular War

    A war between France and the combined powers of Spain, the United Kingdom, and Portugal for control of the Iberian Peninsula. The war started in 1807 and ended in 1808.
  • Invasion of Russia

    This was Napoleons newest campaign idea, it was to try to get Russia to stop trading with English merchants.
  • Retreat from Moscow

    One month into Napoleons Russian campaign, he had to retreat because he could not feed his army. The Russians kept retreating away from the French army and burned any sources of food so Napoleon could not use them. This starved the French army.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    This battle was the armys of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden all against Napoleon and the French army. But Napoleon had aquired soldiers from the Polish and Italian armys.
  • Exile to Elba

    Napoleon had been exiled to the island of Elba because he offered his son the thrown and his son rejected it. So Napoleon abdicated and was exiled to the isand of Elba.
  • Hundred Days War

    The hundred years war generally started when Napoleon retured from being exiled on Marh 20, 1815 and ended on September 13, 1815.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    This battle was faught in present day Belgium. Napoleon and the French army were defeated by the armies of the Seventh Coalition.
  • Exile to St. Helena

    After loosing the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled one more time to the island of St. Helena off the coast of Africa.
  • Death

    Napoleon died on May 5 in 1821 on the island he was exiled to (St. Helena)