The 20th Century in the Middle East

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    Middle East in the 20th Century

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    Mustafa Kamal Attaturk

    -Founder of turkey.
    -Few undefeated Ottoman general
    -Adops latin alphabet, he is embracing modernity and westernization
    -abolishes the Fez, symbol of backwardness.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    Balfour promises the Jews Palestine as their homeland. This decision makes the Arabs frustrated and will cause a lot of conflicts between Palestinians and Israelis
  • Treaty of Sevres

    Dividing up the Ottoman empire to many regions.
  • The white paper of 1922

    The white paper of 1922
    ince Palestine was a british mandate the british wated to investigate why the arabs were angry. As a result the white paper written in 1922 simply reaffirmed the Balfour declaration and saying that they see no reason why the Arabs were angry as they said nothing about Palestine becoming a Jewish state.
  • Arab revolt 1936-1939

    'First major outbreak of Arab-Jewish hostilities'
    The British send in their experts to study the case and after increasing Arab anger the British realize that the Arabs are not getting their rights so they end up writing the second white paper in which the number of Jewish migration is limited.
  • United Nation Partition

    United Nation Partition
    British gave the whole Palestinian Israeli case to the UN which decides to divide the land between Arabs and Jews. The UN gave Jews more land and the better land since they felt guilty about letting them down which made the Arabs mad. In 1948 the state of Israel was established which led to wars and thousands of Palestinian refugees! Example ( Deir Yaseen)
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    The Suez canal is extremly important since it is a shortcut to the Indian ocean and it is a source for money and national pride. at that time 'France and Britain were the largest shareholders in the Suez Canal Company'. Gamal abdel nasser decides to nationalize it which will lead to WAR! Israel, France and England against Egypt.
  • Six day war

    Six day war
    Israel attacks Egypt before the war starts;they destroy they Egyptian airforce.
    The Israelies end up winning against Egypt and Syria because they were more advanced and prepared. The Arabs on the other hand were not united and were too busy being politicians.
  • Islamic Revolution in Iran

    Islamic Revolution in Iran
    Ayat Allah kicks out the Shah of iran because he isvery corrupt.
  • Operation Desert Fox 1991-1998

     Operation Desert Fox 1991-1998
    US were looking for weapons of mass destruction.The Iraqis get sick of it cause nothing is found so they kick the un spectators. As a result, the UN starts shooting Irag