The battle of san jacinto (1895)

Texas Revolution Timeline

By sso1231
  • Law of April 6th, 1830

    This law was put in by Lucas Alamán y Escalada to pervent the amount of people comming from the United State to Texas. This law was a resut of communication and a warning from Manuel de Mier y Terán.
  • Battle of Valasco

    Battle of Valasco
    This war was probably the first bloond in the Texas Revolution. Henry Smith and John Austin were in charge to secure a cannon Brazoria which was going to be used to fight the Mexicans. Domingo de Ugartechea was in charge of stopping the Texans from getting the cannon. There were probably 91 - 200 Mexicans and 100-150 Texans. In the end, The Mexicans lost because of a shortage of amo and retreaded leaving the Texans to a victory.
  • The Convention of 1832

    The Convention of 1832
    The convention of 1832 was when many Texans had support for Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Fifty five delegates represented 16 districts. They met from October 1 to October 6th, 1832. Stephen F. Austin was elected president and Francis W. Johnson was the secretary. The convention established many plans.
  • Santa Anna's Seizure of the Mexican Government

    Santa Anna's Seizure of the Mexican Government
    Santa Anna's seizure was when the confused mexican government was having problems. Santa Anna took ahold of this moment to gain power and rule over Mexico
  • Convention of 1833

    Convention of 1833
    The Convention of 1833 met in San Felipe on April 1. About 56 delgates attended, including Sam Houston of Nacogodoches. William H. Wharton was the president and Thomas Hastings was the secretary. The convention asked for more Indian defense and for improvement of the mail service. They also petitiond for some things too. The convention ended on aPRIL 13, 1833.
  • The Siege of San Antonio

    The Siege of San Antonio
    The Siege of San Antonio was the first major event that let people know about the Texas Revolution. It started in October and went on until early December 1835. An army of Texan volunteers had sieged a mexican army. The Texan army rapidy grew. The Texans elected Stephen F. Austin as the commander.
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    The battle of Gonzales began when Domingo de Ugartechea (Texas military commander) found out that the American colonist of Gonzales refused to give a cannon small cannon they recieved to defend themselfs aganst hostile indians in 1831. In the end, the Mexicans, out nmbered, and put gunned retreaded.
  • Battle of The Alamo

    Battle of The Alamo
    The Battle of the Alamo started on February 23, 1836. It started when General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's army arrived outside of San Antonio. The Texans and Tejanos defended The Alamo together. Te battle lasted 13 days against Santa Anns''s army. William B. Travis was the commander of the battle.
  • Fall of the Alamo

    Fall of the Alamo
    On the morning of March 6, 1835, Mexican forces broke thruogh the outer wall and over powerd the defender. Only a handful of people survived because no one survived who fought.
  • Runaway Scrape

    Runaway Scrape
    After the Deafeat of the Alamo, Santa Anna began his attempt to conquer Texas. People began fleeing from there towns and leaving everything behind and going down to the Rio Grande to meet and stay to get out of Santa Anna's way.
  • The Goliad Massacre

    The Goliad Massacre
    The Goliad Massacre was part of the Goliad Campaign of 1836. Many battles happened throughout the Massacre. James W. Fannin wa the command fro the Goliad Massacre. General Lopez de Santa Anna cause most of the problems. He wanted help from the U.S. Attacks, capturing, and shooting happened a lot. At one time, Snata Anna captured many wounded en and trialed them as pirates. He was nt happy with them, and shot them. Many lives were taken away, and this was the most imfamous part of the Massacre.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    This battle was the (some what) final battle the lasted 18 minutes and was when Santa Anna was captured the following day. Some quotes during the fight were "Rember the Alamo!" and "Rember Goliad!"
  • Treaties of Velasco

    Treaties of Velasco
    Two treaties were signed by interim president David G. Burnet and Gen. There was a private (secret) and public treaty. The public treaty was shown immediately, and the private one was sent into execution when the public one was done.