Texas History

  • Rubi Marques De

    Was involved in a expedition and went to Varcruz then later went to Mexico on the same expedition in mid December.
  • Rubi Marques De

    Rubi Marques De
    He set out on another expedition and traveled across the Rio Grande and later died in 1778.
  • Jose Gutierrez de Lara

    He married his cousin Maria Josef Uribe and became a property owner .
  • Philip Nolan

    He got arrested and was in prison, but he then talked his way out of it but then got in a fight with Spanish Soldiers and was then killed.
  • Philip Nolan

    Philip Nolan
    He was the governer of Louisiana and made several trips to Texas so Texans were starting to get suspecious and he then moved to Texas,
  • Augustus Magee

    Augustus Magee
    He was a very intelligent man and was proud to say he he graduated third in his class from the United States Millitary.
  • Augustus Magee

    He was honored the best informes officer in the United States Army.
  • Father Hidalgo

    Father of Mexican independence and ordered an arrest of the native spaniards then made an important speech about independece.
  • Jose Guiterrez de Lara

    He left Saltillo for the United States then later went to Washington and arrived on December 11, 1811.
  • Father Hidalgo

    He was captured then shot and later Mexico was conquered by the French army and they still celebrate victory.
  • Dr. James Long

    Dr. James Long
    Dr. James Long joined the United States Army as a surgeon in the millitary and was a very intelligant man,
  • Augustus Magee

    He immediately died once he was resigned from the United States Army at the Presido of Nuestro Senora Delorio from being seriously ill.
  • Medina

    Fought, and was the bloodiest battle ever fought on Texas soil and effected the destines of Spain and lader Mexico was proclaimed.
  • Jean Lafiitte

    He called his settlement Galveston and was trying to become indepedndent of spain.
  • Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte
    Karankawa indians attaked and were driven off by a canyon fire and many of men left in the early 1820s.
  • Dr. James Long

    Dr. James Long practiced medicine and was planning a fillbustering expedition to conquer Texas until he was shot.
  • Constitution of 1824

    Constitution of 1824
    The church was supported and the government was elected for a four- year term and this constitution resmbled the spanish constitution of 1812. Stephen F. Austin conferred with the Mexican leaders who framed the constitution.
  • Constitution of Coahuila and Texas

    The republic of Mexico provided that each state in the republic should frame its own constitution. Slavery was forbidden, citizenship was defined, and executive power was vested in a government and vice governer.
  • Mexican Texas

    The document resembled the United States document in many wayas, this was a republican document, They wrote the federal constittution o f the United States of Mexico.
  • Colonization Low of 1825

    Mexcio adopted a federal system similar to Texas, congress passed the national colonization law on August 18, 1824. This law and state law of coahiula and Texas became basics of all colonization