Texas warof independance

"Ten Years a Nation" Lauren Payne Bellar

By lp2017
  • Fort Parker attacked by comanches

    Native American tribes attacked Texas settlers in a series of raids that lasted a year
    • Fort Parker was attacked by Comanche’s and Kiowa’s, killing several settlers, and two women and several children kidnapped, this including Cynthia Ann Parker.
  • Sam Houston Is First President

    Sam Houston Is First President
    Sam Houston Portrate Sam Houston is elected first president and his vice president is Mirabeau B. Lamar.
    The citizens of Texas voted Houston to be president, though most wanted Texas to become part of the US.
  • Release of Santa Anna

    Release of Santa Anna
    Battle at san Jacinto where Santa Anna was captured
    He was realesed then went to the US and came back to Mexico in March 1837
  • Texas is Recognized by the US

    Texas is Recognized by the US
    Map of Texas and US
    The United States officially recognized Texas as an independent nation.
    • President Jackson sent Henry Morfit on a “fact finding” mission to Texas, and Morfit didn’t think Texas could hold its independence. Texas represenatives later talked to congress and convinced them.
  • Mirabeau B. Lamar elected president

    Mirabeau B. Lamar was elected president.
    • The constitution of 1836 stated the president could not serve consecutive terms so Sam Houston could not be re-elected, so the people voted on his vice president.
  • Council House Fight in San Antonio

    • The Comanche’s refused to give back all their prisoners so there was a fight for the people to get back the prisoners and 7 Texans and 35 Comanche’s died.
  • Germans Arrive in Texas

    The germans arrive in texas during the 1840s and by the 1850s germans were more than 5% of the total population in texas.
  • Battle of Plum creek

    The battle was the aftermath of the Council House fight in which many indians died when the Texas Rangers over took the comanches at plum creek.
  • Santa Fe Expedition

    • Lamar sent an expedition to Santa Fe to control the region and open trade with New Mexico. This expedition was an epic fail.
  • Sam Houston is reelected President

    Sam Houston is reelected President
    sam houstons ring
    • Houston eliminated dozens of government positions and cut the size of the army. He tried to sell navy ships, but angry citizens of Galveston prevented the sale.
  • Mier Expidition

    General Alexander Somervell and a militia of 750 to patrol the area from San Antonio to Laredo. After two days of fighting the Texans surrendered on December 26, 1842.
  • The Archives War

    Due to the Santa Fe Expidition Houston wanted to move the archives to Houston from Austinb and they were fired upon by a group since they thought they were moving the capital to Houston.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Some citizens were mad because texas had not becme a state, but just a territory of the US and the US paid all the debts of the Republic of Texas.
  • Anson Jones elected president

    Anson Jones was elected president of Texas in 1844, called a special session of the Texas Congress to consider the terms of annexation, which were quickly accepted.
  • Improved annexation of Texas

    Congress annexated Texas on better terms that would be more favorable to the citizens.
  • Mexico offers recognition

    Mexico agreed to recognize texas as an independant nation only if Texas rejected annexation by the USA
  • Texas is a State

    Texas is a State
    constitution picture
    The lone star flag was lowered and the starsand stripes were raised.