Teddy Roosevelt

  • when teddy was born

    when teddy was born
  • Period: to

    Teddy Roosevelt

  • teddy married agian

  • teddy married frist time

    December 2, 1886
    Edith Roosevelt
  • Became president

    Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th US President (1901-1909) after the assassination of President William McKinley. Nicknamed Teddy, he was one of the most popular and important Presidents ever to serve in the Chief Executive Office. A hero in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, his foreign policy was summed up in the phrase "Speak softly and carry a big stick." The Panama Canal was built during his tenure in the White House
  • theodore got a peace prize

    Theodore Roosevelt, President of the USA, received the Peace Prize for having negotiated peace in the Russo-Japanese war in 1904-5. He also resolved a ...
  • Teddy roosevelt established national parks

    Theodore Roosevelt is often considered the "conservationist president." Here in the North Dakota Badlands, where many of his personal concerns first gave rise to his later environmental efforts, Roosevelt is remembered with a national park that bears his name and honors the memory of this great conservationist.
  • teddy won nobel prize

    On December 10, 1906, Theodore Roosevelt became the first American to win a Nobel Prize. Roosevelt was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work surrounding the Treaty of Portsmouth, which ended the Russo-Japanese War.Dec 10, 2010
  • when Teddy died

    when Teddy died