Two cell phones

Technology Throughout my Lifetime

  • Birth

    I was born in North Hampton, Massachusetts.
  • Lion King (Movie)

    Lion King (Movie)
    Few movies influenced my childhood more than The Lion King. Although I can't recall the first time I saw the movie, it was released in July 15 1994. Most of the movies I saw as a child were seen and percieved through video casset technology.
  • First Video Game Console

    First Video Game Console
    My first memories of ever owning a video game console are around this time. It will for ever be remembered as one of the happiest moments in my childhood.
  • Windows 2000 Release

    Windows 2000 Release
    The first experiences that I ever remember having on a computer were on the windows 2000 operating system. Who doesn't remember ever playing pinball or mines?
  • The CD Player

    The CD Player
    My first memory of ever utilizing a Compact Disk Player.
  • First Mobile Phone

    First Mobile Phone
    I remember that my parents gave me my first mobile phone when I graduated from 6th grade. Unfortunately, I don't remember the make and model of the phone, but I do remember that it could only save contacts, call other people and text.
  • First ipod

    First ipod
    My first ipod/MP3 player was a fourth generation ipod classic. It was definitely more convenient that my portable CD player. Now I didn't have to carry any CD's with me and the interchangeability between the songs was easier.
  • First email Account

    Created my first email account on hotmail.
  • Joined Facebook

    Joined Facebook
    This was the date I joined the world's largest social network
  • First Laptop

    First Laptop
    I got my first laptop just after graduating from high school as a going to college present.
  • EGR-115

    This course introduced me to the notion of programing. I learned so much about how computer programs are designed, as a concequence, my appreciation and knowledge about computers increased considerably.
  • Joined Netflix

    Joined Netflix
    I enjoyed Netflix as it was easier for me to watch my favorite TV series without having to leave my dorm room.
  • My First Smartphone

    My First Smartphone
    The first smart phone that I ever owned was an iphone 4S. My world was opened to a whole new number of possibilities when I could now browse the internet, play countless video games, video chat, watch movies, listed to music, use facebook, read books, and other helpfull activities from one device.