

By Ldt3
  • iPad

    The iPad was one of Apples great products. You can do almost anything, from looking at YouTube videos, to doctors checking MRI's.
  • Kinect

    The Kinect for Xbox 360 was mad June 6, 2010. It is leading the way to many great iideas about the future. Maybe some day we won't need a keyboard.
  • 3D Tv

    3D Tv
    We're not at holograms yet but it's close.
  • Medical Mirror

    Medical Mirror
    Medical mirror tells you your heart rate and you physcilogical state. Helps to know where your health is so you can manage it yourself.
  • Bio Printer

    Bio Printer
    The bio printer can take a scan of any body part and print it off to help heal things faster. Can be used for injuries during war to heal faster.
  • Lab-Grown Food.

    Lab-Grown Food.
    Food that is grown instead of made. This can help with people who are starved.
  • Google Glass

    Google Glass
    Google glasses are leading the way to many great achievements. Having a HUD with you at all times would be very usefu, from factory worker to Marine.
  • Curiosity Rover

    Curiosity Rover
    Exploring Mars so that someday we may be able to.
  • Indoor Clouds

    Indoor Clouds
    Leading to the possibilitys of indoor atmosphere
  • Baxter Robot

    Baxter Robot
    Speeding up factory lines is very helpful. Saving money for the company, but is this really what we want.
  • Smart Watch

    Smart Watch
    Pretty close to a HUD easier for people to send and receive messages, soldiers could use to call in renforcements.
  • Memory Implant

    Memory Implant
    Possible All-timers/Senile antidote. Not human tested!
  • Smart Ring

    Smart Ring
    The smart ring is pretty much a remote. It can connect to any smart bluetooth device and can be used to control it. It's easier to carry around and doesn't need batteries only a charger.
  • Scio

    The Scio is a hand held device that you can use to find out facts about almost anything.
  • Nevro Pace

    Nevro Pace
    The Nevro Pace is an implant used to control seizures.
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    First Self-Regulating Heart

    All a heart problems would be gone, and no waiting list.
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    DDR4 Memory

    32gb Ram available, allows for more programs to run harder things. Could open up many possibleities just use your imagination.
  • Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    Makes it possible for pilots to learn to fly without leaving the ground!