Technological and Environmental Transformation (8000 BCE-600 BCE)

  • Period: 221 to May 7, 1403

    Period of the Warring States in China

    After warring states, Shi Huangdi – “First Emperor”, unified the country by conquering the warring states, abolshing feudalism, and creating a centralized government.
  • Period: May 7, 771 to May 7, 1027

    China: Zhou replaces Shang as mandate of heaven.

    Expanded territory and added southern rice valley. Developed bureaucracies and further centralized government
  • May 7, 1000

    Persians settle in southwest Iran

    Persians settle in southwest Iran
    1000 BCE. Cyrus the Great. (550 BCE) System of provinces with governors. Society divided into three social and occupational classes.
  • May 7, 1200

    Olmecs arose in Central America

    Olmecs arose in Central America
    Had intensive agriculture, wide-range trade, and ceremonial centers. (Pyramids). Large cultural influence on later mesoamerican civilizations.
  • May 7, 1200

    Iron Age

    Iron Age
    Iron began to be the primary metal for tools and weapons. It began in different times in different parts of the world.
  • Hebrews migrated to Egypt during famine

    Hebrews migrated to Egypt during famine
    1700 BCE. Moses freed all the Hebrew slaves and brought them to the promised land. Kingodom of Isreal set up. (Monarchy). Height of Isreal during Kind David and son Soloman's rule in 1000 BCE.
  • Period: to

    Indus Valley Civilzation

  • Assyrian Empire

    Assyrian Empire
    911-312 BCE. First to rule far-flung lands and diverse people. Homeland in northern Mesopotamia. 3 Major classes. Over time, the flow of outsiders changed the ethnic composition.
  • Writings and ways to keep records appeared

    Writings and ways to keep records appeared
    No longer can rely on oral communication. Sumerians first 3500-3000 BCE.
  • 3000 Varna (four classes) is introduced - India

    3000 Varna (four classes) is introduced - India
    Brahma – priestsWarrior classFarmer/merchant classScheduled class/untouchables – outside class structure Caste system is introduced by Aryans in 1500 BCE when they migrated.
  • Nile River Civilizaiton: Egypt

    Nile River Civilizaiton: Egypt
    3000 BCE. Pharohs, pyramids, tombs for families. Believed in the afterlife, therefore had mummification. Hieroglphics was their writing system. The Nile helped the civilization greatly; it overflowed annually and provided irrigation, which led to agriculture.
  • First cities: Beginning of cultivation of maize in Mesoamerica

    First cities: Beginning of cultivation of maize in Mesoamerica
  • First Agricultural Villages Appeared

    First Agricultural Villages Appeared
    Neolithic Revolution/Agricultural Revolution
    Nomadic > agricultural > town > city