Tech comm time line

  • GPS

    The GPS allows me to go places by giving me the directions to any location
  • Google

    I use Google at least twice a day, whenever I don't know something I just google it
  • first phone

    first phone
    I got my first phone when I was in seventh grade, after I made my seventh grade soccer team. My phone changed my life because i was now able to communicate with hundereds of people just by using my phone.
  • facebook released

    facebook released
    Facebook helps me stay connected to people who dont have the newer social media apps.
  • one touch verio

    one touch verio
    This invention changed my life because it give me the technology to manage my diabetes.
  • First iphone

    First iphone
    I got my first iphone for christmas. this changed my life by everything I used was now on one device.
  • First macbook

    First macbook
    the macbook changed my life by alowing me to use different programs than my home computer.
  • My first ipad

    My first ipad
    This invention changed my life because it helped my school education. i am now able to take notes, go onto the internet, and take pictures and videos in class.
  • instagram released

    instagram released
    Instagram keeps me updated with other people including my family and friends.
  • Snapchat

    Snapchat lets me share pictues to anyone quickly, this way I can share whats happening faster