Taylor's Autobiography

  • My Birthday

    I was born vaginally on January 10th, 1995 at 5:30pm. My mother went into labor the night before and was in active labor for 15 hours. She pushed for almost three hours before the doctor realized the umbilical chord was wrapped around my neck. After several different attempts, they finally got me out. I was blue and not breathing. Luckily within a few minutes they had recusitated me.
  • The New House

    Just before I turned three years old, my parents decided to move from the on campus housing on Eastern Nazarene College's campus because my mother was faculty. We moved twenty minutes away to Weymouth, MA into a two bedroom, one and half bath house. During this time, I was in daycare/preschool. I had a very secure attachment with my mother, I did not like being dropped off in the morning. I would often cry. Once she left I would adjust and be ok but I was always very excited when she came back.
  • No Longer an Only Child

    On May 24th I remember waking up, going down the stairs in my house, walking into the kitchen and seeing my Auntie there. I remember being so confused. My aunt says my response was "Why are you here?" My sister's birth was much easier on my my mother. Only 6 hours compared to my 15! By the time mys sister was born, I wasn more emotionally stable because I wasn't in the toddler stage anymore. I would social reference my mother on how to hold and play with the new baby.
  • Best Friends

    Best Friends
    During vacation bible school at my church, a new family to our church brought there younger daughter Grace Hogan who happened to be my age. We had a play date that week and have been best friends since! Although our relationship is different now because we are so far apart, we can call eachother up and pick up right where we left off last! My friendship with Grace has definitely influenced who I am. Especially suring middle and high school, our clothing style influenced the other.
  • Homeschooled

    Starting in 3rd grade, my parents decided to start homeschooling me. We had friends who homschooled, as well as a few cousins. The public school I had been at was not terrible but my parents had several concerns with how they had handled situations in the past. Homeschooling was one of my favorite things throughout my childhood. Starting homeschooling changed our family function but it was a positive change. It allowed better relationsips between my sister and I and our parents.
  • Gymnastics!

    had the opporunity to try an open gymnastics class and I was instantly hooked. I moved up the levels quickly, switched gyms a few times and ended up competing for several years. Although Gymnastics was "something" we were all doing together, the relationships that I grew with my teammates were from the time we spent together, the conversations we had, not just from our common sport.
  • First Babysitting Job

    By chance when I was almost thirteen years old, my family happened to run into my old preschool teacher and her now husband and two sons. She said they had just moved back to the area, were looking for a babysitter, and was wondering if I would be interested! I ended up babysitting them for almost 4 years! This started me on a path of working with children throughout high school. This was good for me because it really forced me to mature and grow in responsibilty. It set the tone professionally
  • Injury but Opportunity

    One night at gymnastics practice while working on our tumbling on floor I happened to land wrong and caused pain in my knee. After a month the doctor finally realized I had tendonitis which is inflammation in the joint. It would never go away until I stopped doing the sport. This was a hard decisison but it opened a door for me to start coaching at the gym I had grown up in! It was such a blesssing to me! All this change at once required some resilience to realize a big part of my life was over!
  • A New Beginning

    A New Beginning
    In the Fall of 2013 I made my way out to Trevecca from my home in MA with my family to begin a new chapter in my life. Besdies an Aunt in Mt. Juliet, I knew no one and was unsure of what was ahead ofme. The first few months were very difficult while I was ajusting to not being near my family but I grew a lot during that time. I met one of my closest friends in my LEAP group and moved on to being roommates later on in the year. Moving out on my own allowed me to figure out my own identity.
  • him

    While at work I had a random guy come up and start a conversation with me. Little did I know it was one of the most important converstations I would have. He ended up telling me without even knowing me that I was "the most beautiful woman he has ever seen and that he would love the opportunity to get to know me." This progressed into him not only becoming my boyfriend but my best friend! As a human, our need for affiliation naturally promotes these types of relationships at this age especially.
  • Engaged!

    Back in Boston, MA in the public garden on the same bench where Ethan had told me he was in love with me, Ethan and I sat for the second time. I was unaware what was about to happen. Ethan said some of the most beautiful words I have ever heard, not that I remember cause I was so in shock. All I know is that I said "yes" and we are getting married on May 14, 2016! You could say because of our age we are taking a risk by it happening so fast, but were trusting the Lord because He brought us here!