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Story of My Life

By esetsch
  • Birth

    This was the day i was born, and vrought into this world. I caused my mom a lot of troubles, including the fact that I was nearly born sunnyside-up. This happened at 9;36 am, and my dad wan't there, he was with my soon to be stepmother. This is when my mother realized neither she, nor i, needed him.
  • Ayden

    Today was the day my baby brother Ayden was born. I didn't know it yet, but i was going to have to start growing up, so he wouldn't have to. I remember how i would start changing his diper, and feeding him while my older brother made the food. This is why I'm so self sufficient, because i had to be from the start.
  • The First Wedding

    The First Wedding
    This is when my mo married my stepdad, after knowing him for almost two years. When they met he was a punk with anger issues and was too small to match his bite. My mom wouldn't let him around me ntil he started changing his ways, in which he did. Now he is like my father, though my whole childhood he was trying to replace my real dad.
  • The Second Wedding

    The Second Wedding
    My mom and stepdads first wedding anaversery, also my dad and the step witches actual wedding. In a way, I suppose it was my dad trying to get revenge on my mom, but it hurt me more. I wasn't aloud to be in the wedding because the stepwitvhes daughter had to be in it, and my dad wouldn't ask for me to participate. So i spent the majority of it in the church basement caring for my three year old baby brother.
  • Grandma Joyce No More

    Grandma Joyce No More
    This is when my great grandmother Joyce, ther one with zero legs, died. I didn't think it would effect me because we weren't to close, but I was wrong. For years after i would break down in tears from the mention of her name, from seeing the glass swan with the pink diamond chain or playing with the Betty Boop baby doll she gave me months before she was gone. I think I'm okay now, but i know I'm sared of dying, and i don't think I will ever get over that.
  • Nana

    This is my first day moving out to Holly, and i didn't think we'd be staying. You see, I have grown up everywhere, going to seven different schools until this point of only going into second grade. This meant moving away from my great grandma who had anchored in Waterford, and living in Holly and going to a school no where near her scared me. She was my best friend, and i was afraid to lose her.
  • Davisburg Terrors

    Davisburg Terrors
    My first day of school, and my first day of horror. I couldn't make any friends, because i didn't know how to, and I had the hardest time understanding the social order. Thats when i met Chloe, she was the first friend i ever made, and my first best friend as well.
  • CampLake Blue Waterr

    CampLake Blue Waterr
    This day was the first day i met my life long friend, Paige Fritz as well as me being introduced to god through this church camp. I met Paige at the end of a four hour long carr ride when me and my brother Cody were fighting in a mud puddle. Paige came up, in a floral dress no less, sat down in the mud, and joined us. I never knew i would make a friend who wass a girly girl that would still do things like that.
  • Bye Bye Chloe

    Bye Bye Chloe
    This is when Chloe moved away. And when i say away, i don't mean around the corner, I mean all the way to florida. She had helped me make a few other friends that really wouldn't last, and i missed her. I miss her everyday, even thoug hshe was a bit crazy.
  • Internet friends and RP

    Internet friends and RP
    This is when i made my first RP character, in which i named Jillian Black. I made her everything i wished i could be, and people wanted to rp with me, only if i was her. Other people did the same thing, and i've made four of my best friends through this. Cici, Ally, Jaquillanne, and Jamey were the friends and we made a pretty cool Scourge Team i have to say. Sadly most of us has drifted apart by now.
  • Can I Hear a Mental Breakdown

    Can I Hear a Mental Breakdown
    I didn't know what to do, i couldn't get in contact with my friends who lived nowhere near me, and no one at school liked me. I felt stuck and I wanted out. So i fell into a dark rutine. I didn't want to be me, but other people seemed prettycol, so i tried to be like them... and it made everything worse. I thought if i could be like them, they would like me. and it worked, ut i didn't like myself anymore.
  • Late Christmas

    Late Christmas
    This is the last day i may ever see my blood dad. He came over to my mom and stepdads house with two month late christmas preasents and we decided to play the wii. I could hardly talk to him, even then. He hadn't talked to me since the previous summer, and he wouldn't tell me why. He won't even respond to my phone calls up til this day.
  • Stepwitch

    So I got in a fight with the stepwitch this day, and it didn't turn out well. My dad just watched our screaming match... until she kicked me out. Ayden looked terrified, but I'm not sure if it was of me or of his mom. I wanted to make him feel better, but i couldn't. My dad immediately took me home, and I haven't seen Ayden or the stepwitch since.
  • Homestuck

    I entered a fandom, the Homestuck fandom. I know, this doesn't sound important, but i found people like me. Not exactly like me, but enough to make me feel normal. I have friends through this, though some of them have even become my friends, even though they live all over the world.
  • Dreams

    I figured out what i want for my future, everything I need to do to reach these goals. I found my dreams and started building my way up to the stars, and honestly, it's great. I can't wait til i move into the dorms and get lost on the huge campus for the first time. Or until i see my teachers or my roommate that will last me a whole year, or until the end of my college carear.