Stolen generation

Stolen Generation

By leshaji
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    When the British first invaded Australia in 1788, they got along with the Aborigines. James Cook, and his companions believed that Australia wasn't owned by anybody at the time, even though Aborigines were living there. James Cook named Australia Terra Nullius, which means no land, as Cook believed that the Aborigines didn't deserve any authority, because of the way they dressed and lived
  • Myall Creek Massacre

    Myall Creek Massacre
    In 1838, a group of white men killed 28 innocent Australian Aborigines, in NSW. 7 members from the group of murderers were found guilty, put into prison, hanged. This moment was mesmerizing, as white people would usually get away with hurting the Aborigines.
  • Half caste act

    Half caste act
    At this time, the government created an act, called the Half caste act, which states that the Aborigine's would be removed from mixed cultures: The Aborigines would be forced to follow the white society.
  • The Aboriginies Protection Act

    The Aboriginies Protection Act
    At 1909, the Aborigine Protection board created an act, which states that the Europeans had the authority to take care of the Aboriginal children's education , maintenance etc. In this period, foreigners would take the children from their families, teach them, made them live in institutions created by the foreigners.
  • Experiences from Ruth Hegarty

    Experiences from Ruth Hegarty
    Ruth Hegarty was separated from her parents at the age of four. Ruth and her sister lived in a dormitory. Her mum had been completely separated from Ruth and her sister. All of the children's parents had to work, the only interactions the parents had with kids, were at the dinner table, where they couldn't talk to each other, but only ate.
  • Day of Mourning

    Day of Mourning
    In 1938, the White Australians and the authorities decided to celebrate the 150th year since the First Fleet. The celebrations would take place by the community reenacting the events that took place in the First Fleet. The White Australians had a band marching celebrating as another activity , since the Aborigines didn't participate, they were forced to participate. This day is known as the Day of Mourning, as at this day, The Aborigines had no basic human rights, there land was stolen.
  • The Assimilation Policy

    The Assimilation Policy
    During the 1950's, the government made a policy called Assimilation, which was when white Australians stole the children from there families, tried to change them to turn into the European society.
  • The End of the Stolen Generation

    The End of the Stolen Generation
    In the 1970's the stolen generation had ended, The Aborigines were free from being trapped with the Europeans
  • Inaugural Sorry Day

    Inaugural Sorry Day
    On May 26th 2007, all members of Australia came together as one, to commemorate the Aborigines, that were removed forcefully from their homes and families.