
Someone Named Eva by Katie Mae

By kreukat
  • End of WWI

    End of WWI
    WWI ended on November 11, 1918 when Germany formally surrendered. All nations came to an agreement to stop fighting, and the Treaty of Versailles was signed by rhe nations.
  • Mein Kampf Comes Out

    Mein Kampf Comes Out
    Mein Kampf was published on July 18, 1925. Mein Kampf was a book written by Adolf Hitler about his racial ideology.
  • Hitler Elected Chancellor

    Hitler Elected Chancellor
    Hitler was elected chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Hitler made promises to the people of Germany during the period of depression after WW1.
  • First Lebensborn Center Made

    First Lebensborn Center Made
    The first Lebensborn Center for aryan youth was opened on December 12, 1935. Between 6,000 and 8,000 young aryan children were born and raised in these centers.
  • Invasion of the Soviet Union

    Invasion of the Soviet Union
    The Nazis invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. The invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany was the largest military operation of WWII.
  • Death of Reinhard Heydrich

    Death of Reinhard Heydrich
    Hitler's right-hand man Reinhard Heydrich died on June 4, 1942. Heydrich was assasinated in Prague, Czechoslovakia by British Special Operations. The Nazis mistakenly blamed the assassination on the people of the village of Lidice.
  • Destruction of Lidice

    Destruction of Lidice
    As mistaken punishment for the death of Richard Heydrich, Milada and the people of Lidice are taken by the Nazis and seperated into catagories on June 6, 1942. Milada is declared aryan and taken away with other aryan children. The men and boys of the village were shot, and Lidice was then razed to the ground.
  • Aryan Children Taken

    Aryan Children Taken
    The aryan children, including Milada are taken to Puschkau, Poland by the Nazis on June 9, 1942. Milada and the other kids were renamed. Milada was renamed Eva. Eva and the other newly renamed kids were forced out of their old ways and trained to be Nazis.
  • Adopted

    Eva was adopted into a German family on April 10, 1944. Her new vater (father) was a high-ranking Nazi official.
  • Beating of an Old Woman

    Beating of an Old Woman
    While in town, an old woman is beaten on April 14, 1944 for spitting on Eva. Eva realizes once again how horrible the Nazis were.
  • New Discoveries

    New Discoveries
    Eva finds out that the Nazis were killing and burning prisoners on June 16, 1944. Eva also begins to get closer to Elsbeth, and a party is being thrown in honor of Eva and her adoption.
  • Russian Attack

    Russian Attack
    The Russians attacked the home of Eva's adopted parents on December 27, 1944 looking for Vater because he was a high-ranking Nazi. After ransacking the house, the Russians leave, not knowing about Eva, Elsbeth, and Mutter hiding in the basement.
  • Adolf Hitler's Death

    Adolf Hitler's Death
    Adolf Hitler commited suicide on April 30, 1945. Hitler commited suicide because he thought it was the only way out without surrendering.
  • On Her Way

    On Her Way
    After the war, the Red Cross came and asked if Milada would like to go back to her mother. Milada agreed. She then learned that her brother and father were dead and that her sister was nowhere to be found.
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    WWII ended on September 2, 1945. The war ended when America bombed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and Japan surrendered.
  • Milada's Return

    Milada's Return
    Milada is returned to her mother on October 13, 1945. They happily renewed their life together.