Social Studies End of Year

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    Griots are poet-musicians who tell stories, sing songs of praise, and recite poems, often while playing a drum or stringed instrument. They perform music, dance, and drama.
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    the organization of the roman catholic church

    the organization of the roman catholic church
    By the Middle Ages, they had created a system in which all clergy members had a rank. The pope, who was the bishop of Rome, was the supreme head of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 330

    The Fall of The Roman Empire

    The Fall of The Roman Empire
     In 330 C.E., the emperor Constantine took a step that changed the future of the Roman Empire. He moved his capital 850 miles east, to the ancient city of Byzantium. He renamed the city New Rome. Later, it was called Constantinople.
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     The geography of West Africa influenced the patterns of trade that developed there. Different resources are found in each of the vegetation zones.
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    Ghanas Military

    Ghanas Military
    Ghana’s military included a regular army, reserve forces, and elite soldiers. The regular army was made up of several thousand career soldiers.
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    Muhammad's Early Life

    Muhammad's Early Life
    Muhammad was born in Makkah. His mother sent him to live with a family of Nomads in the desert. He went on a journey with his uncle a age 12.
  • May 31, 1000

    Trading and Commerce

    Trading and Commerce
    As trade and commerce grew so did the towns in that city.They traded goods such as food, chlothing, and household items.
  • May 31, 1000

    The Bubonic Plague

    The Bubonic Plague
    Symptoms, or signs, of the plague included fever, vomiting, fierce coughing and sneezing fits, and egg-sized swellings or bumps, called buboes. It was carried to Italy on a ship.
  • Jun 3, 1100

    The INventing of paper

    The INventing of paper
    The Chinese invented the art of papermaking by the second century C.E. The earliest Chinese paper was probably made from hemp and then the bark of the mulberry tree. Later, the Chinese used rags.
  • 2nd Pillar Salat

    2nd Pillar Salat
    It emphasizes religious discipline, spiritual and closeness to God. Before prayer the Muslims must perform ritual washings.
  • Charlemagne’s Empire

    Charlemagne’s Empire
    One powerful group during this time was the Franks.The Franks were successful because they had made up a new style of warfare, and on horses.
  • Language Learning

    Language Learning
    Acceptance of the Arabic language helped promote learning. Beginning in the 8th century, Arabic became the language of scholarship and science throughout Islamic lands.
  • reasons for Agricultural Changes

    reasons for Agricultural Changes
    There were several reasons for the changes in agriculture. The first was the movement of farmers to the fertile basins of the Chang Jiang in southern China.