Smart goal

SMART goal

By Helen11
  • Goal

    My goal is to keep in touch with my teachers from my previous years. I want to keep in touch with them because I want them to remember me as one of their old students. This will be important in the long-run when I fill in my application for college; I will hopefully have the teachers to vouch for my creditbility, because they remember would me and what I was like in school. I also want to socialize with my teachers because they are friendly and unforgettable.
  • Period: to

    SMART goal

    My goal is to keep in touch with my teachers from my previous years. I want to keep in touch with them because I want them to remember me as one of their old students. This will be important in the long-run when I fill in my application for college; I will hopefully have the teachers to vouch for my creditbility, because they remember would me and what I was like in school. I also want to socialize with my teachers because they are friendly and unforgettable.
  • Specific: Who?

    Specific: Who?
    There are several teachers I want to keep in touch to. I want to meet up with my previous English teachers and my AP World History teacher again because we share common interests in books, movies, and culture. I at least want to be in good, continuing terms with at least three teachers.
  • Measurable: When and frequency

    Measurable: When and frequency
    I want to keep in touch with my previous teachers throughout the year. I want to meet at least one teacher at least once a week. However, for the overall year, my goal is to keep in touch with at least three teachers. When the year ends and I have visited their classes with this frequency or beyond, I would feel like I have achieved this goal.
  • Attainable: Starting step

    Attainable: Starting step
    I can meet my old teachers after school on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during their office hours. I can spend time with them for one hour before going back home. However, I cannot not meet them on Mondays or Tuesdays because after school, I have club meetings and a tutor on those days.)
  • Realistic: Opportunity cost

    Realistic: Opportunity cost
    Taking an hour off my time to meet my teachers is my trade-off. The opportunity cost of that hour is education - an hour less to finish my homework and study for my current classes. The opportunity cost may not be a huge toll on me if I manage my time more wisely. Or, I can convert my spare time into more time to complete homework. The opportunity cost of this is freedom and the hobbies that I like to do during my freetime.
  • Attainable: Second step

    Attainable: Second step
    When I am at one of the teacher's classroom, I will use that one hour to socialize with my teacher. At the same time, I have to respect them if they do not wish to talk or if people coming in for office hours need to concentrate. In fact, I may also help my teacher and students coming in for office hour during my time there.
  • TIme bound: Deadline

    TIme bound: Deadline
    I want to maintain and renew this goal throughout the year and next year. However, I want to get comfortable with visiting my teachers' classrooms after school by October 20th