By bchalk4
  • My SMART Goal

    My SMART Goal
    S- I am saving up for flow series wheels lights.
    M- I will save 520$.
    A- I am gonna stop buying dumb things and stop spending money on food when I go out and will save that money instead.
    R- I would rather have my wheel lights on my new wheels rather than eat out and buy silly things.
    T- I think this will take me around two months.
  • My New Wheels

    My New Wheels
    As the first step in getting the wheel lights, I need to get my new wheels on and pay for it so I know how much money I will have left to work with.
  • Budgeting

    Once I figure out how much money I have leftover I can then come up with a plan and figure out exactly how long it will take me to get the lights.
  • Selling My Old Wheels

    Selling My Old Wheels
    If I sold my old wheels I had on the jeep I could probably get 400-500$ which would put me very close to my target.
  • Trip to the Mall

    Trip to the Mall
    When me and my friends go to the mall I need to refrain from buying unneeded goods so I can instead save that money.
  • Basketball

    Two or three times a week me and my friends all rent Bushy Fork gym so we can play basketball. If I just didn't go or let them cover me for a few weeks it would save me some money.