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Significant Events & People of the Cold War

  • Fidel Castro

    Fidel Castro
    Fidel Castro changed Cuba during the Cold War in multiple ways. Castro changed Cuba from a democratic society to a heavily Communist run dictatorship. Fidel almost caused assured nuclear destruction with the events during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which affected every person globally. Castro showed the world that even the U.S could be embarrassed by their failure. Though not everything was bad under Castro rule, he managed to improve literacy and health among Cubans.
  • The U-2 Incident

    The U-2 Incident
    The U-2 spy plane incident was among one of many close encounters between the U.S and USSR. Almost sparking a war and furthering the hatred between the two nations, the event changed the views of many on both nations. The spectators of the world saw the U.S as deceiving and lying and the USSR was seen as smug about the U.S failures. The event also shares insight into the danger of both nations at the time, one with nuclear weapons and the other with undetectable photography planes.
  • Bay Of Pigs

    Bay Of Pigs
    The invasion was a strategically organised plan by the CIA, with the expectation of success and returning democratic rule to Cuba, however once again, the U.S government were embarrassed by a communist nation, with all 1400 soldiers surrendering in less than 24 hours. The invasion opened the eyes of many to the power of Cuba being backed by the Russians and also the possibility that the U.S isn't as powerful as it makes itself out to be.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall construction literally separated a nation into two, it ruined families all over Germany and Berlin and showed the cruel and unforgiving nature of the USSR during the Cold War. The wall was up for just over 30 years. 30 years of separation and segregation. The wall further aggregated the U.S and encouraged them to retaliate towards the USSR. Many issues, such as superiority and economic instability emerged from the wall and some of these issues still exist in Berlin today.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was without doubt, the closest the U.S and USSR came towards war, a gruelling 2 weeks of anticipation and fear of global annihilation. The missile crisis changed the world forever, everyone felt the threat of nuclear destruction and everyone was hoping for a peaceful end to this close encounter. Even after the event, their was large mistrust and fragile relationships between allies on both sides. These relationships still aren't fixed, even after 5 decades.
  • Apollo Launch

    Apollo Launch
    The Apollo launch was a large contest between the U.S and USSR about the moon and was settled when the U.S finally touched down and put not only machine marks, but for the first time in history, footprints. This was not just an achievement for the U.S, but for mankind as a whole, going from the first airplane in 1903 to landing men in outer space in 1963 signifies the importance of working together not as nations but as humans. It pathed the path for new launches and innovations in space.
  • Detente Policy

    Detente Policy
    Detente was one of the first times, both nations agreed to ease tension and increase safety for the world. It was one of the major changes during the cold war. After seeing these two super powers nearly come to war multiple times and then agreeing to ease the tension on both sides really showed that the war was turning for the best. Unfortunately the policy didn't last long but it affected everyone's safety for a couple years of the war.
  • Germany reunites

    Germany reunites
    When both sides of Germany reuinited in 1989, it was the sign of the end was coming. Both sides of Germany were through with the wall and it crumbled under the power of a nation combined. All around the world, people celebrated for the German's after nearly 4 decades of their country apart due to war from decades ago. This affected everyone, not just in Germany, world wide. It was the sign of a better future and change for the best was coming through, with the collapse of communism next.