Bleach kurosaki 00372629

Shafiq's TimeLine

  • My life

    I was born in Sweden,Stolckhom and it was the year where all of our family had to leave back to malaysia.We stayed in malaysia about 4 years and then we have to go posting to Brunei,My mom works at Minister Foreign Affairs where all the Malaysian Ministers get to work around the world. My mom is the person that influnced me alot because i get to see around the world that changed my life alot
  • My First ever Playstation

    I got my first playstation 2 was when i was 9 years old and I have been really addicted to it and have been playing nonestop and after another 1 year my dad bought me a PSP and it was the only thing that makes me happy and not bored the whole time, wherever I go i always bring my PSP with me
  • Events

    In Brunei me and my whole family did a run called muhibahrun its where we run to obstacles like going up the mountain and going inside the jungle with tress and the land was diagonal so it was hard I remembered that I got hit by a small tree when I was going down I tripped and I hit the tree it hurts a lot but its life
  • When I got my first ever Phone

    I got my phone when I was 13 years old and also I got it this year.I have been really addicted to it because its a mobile phone and I haven't experience a phone for my self ever before.
  • Playing Games

    Playing Games influnce a lot to violence and shooting thats why I like to play games. I ask my mom a lot of times if I can buy a game but sometimes she says yes but sometimes no. :(
  • To Uk

    All of our family when to Uk for a vacation and at the same time my sister was graduating she lived there for 3 years.We have been almost the whole area of uk example:Liverpool,Chester,Nothingham,Blackpool & Manchester