
Separating Recycling- Hazel Seashore Botha

  • Recycling Presentation

    Recycling Presentation
    This presentation is going to follow how recycling is seperated in a step-by-step process, according to Brighton & Hove City Council.
  • Seperating Recycling

    Seperating Recycling
    This project will show a step-by-step guide on how industries seperate recycling in plants. This information is based of a guide from Brighton & Hove City Council.
  • Why Is Recycling Important?

    Why Is Recycling Important?
    "Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. ... Recycling reduces the need for raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved."
  • Why Is Recycling Important?

    Why Is  Recycling Important?
    "Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world in which we live. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. We must act fast as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time." "Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment." "Recycling is essential to cities around the world and to the people living in them."
    -Recycling Guide:
  • Guide To Recylables

    Guide To Recylables
    The link below has a complete guide to what to recycle and not to recycle, and why.
  • Why Is Seperating Recycling Important?

    Why Is Seperating Recycling Important?
    The link below has an article on how to seperate your own recylables at home and why it is important.
  • Step One- Drop Off

    Step One- Drop Off
    After recycling trucks pick the bins up off the street, they drop the recycling off at the plant. From there, the plant will seperate and sort through the recycling.
  • Step One

    Step One
    Step One In The Recycling Process
    After the recycling truck picks up the bins of the street, it will dump them out at the recycling plants. If there any batteries or electronics, they will be seperated because they are procesed differently.
  • Step Two- Hand Sorting

    Step Two- Hand Sorting
    Step One in the recycling process is hand sorting through the recylables to sort out any non-recyclables, such as textiles, glass, or plastic bags. Employees will hand-sift through the recyling to prepare it for the automative seperation techniques to come.
  • Step Two

    Step Two
    Step Two In The Recycling Process
    Step Two is preparing for the automatic seperation techniques. The recycling is hand checked by employees, and they will take out glass, textiles, and plastic bags, all of which are non-recyclables and have to be discarded before the process starts.
  • Step Three-Trommell

    Step Three-Trommell
    After being hand-sorted, the recycling will go through a large can or drum, called the trommell, to sort out plastic bottles and cans. The drum rotates while pushing bottles and cans through sizeable holes in the metal frame.
  • Step Three

    Step Three
    Step Three In The Recycling Process
    Step Three is sorting materials through the trommel. The trommel is a large tube which has holes in it to funnel through plastic bottles and cans.
  • Step Four- Air Blade

    Step Four- Air Blade
    After most of the plastic bottles and cans are sorted through the trommell, the recycling is freed of the light weight materials, such as paper and thin cardboard. These materials are sorted through by jets of compressed air. These jets are nicknamed 'air knives,' and slice through the recycling, blowing any paper out of the mixture. The different types of lightweights are then sorted into different areas in the plant.
  • Step Five- Magnet

    Step Five- Magnet
    Step Five in the recycling process is a magnetic seperater. This magnet seperates steel cans and steel objects from the mixture of recycling. Aluminum is sorted by electromagnetic technology, which forces the aluminum away and sorts it.
  • Step Six- Infra Red Technology

    Step Six- Infra Red Technology
    Infra Red Technology uses special cameras that scrutinize the recycling and sort it by recongnizing plastic bottles and their type. The technology then sorts the plastic bottles.
  • Step Seven- Double Hand-Check

    Step Seven- Double Hand-Check
    After Infra-Red Technology goes over the recycling, employees double-check the recycling for any non-recylables.
  • Step Eight- Bales

    Step Eight- Bales
    Once the recyclables are clear, they are oackaged in bales and shipped off to other companies that will make other products out of the recyclables.
  • Note

    Please note that this particular system is used by Brighton & Hove City Council. Other systems may exist.
  • Thank You!

    Thank You!
    Thank you! Please remember how important it is to recycle and how you can help by recycling in your household, school, office, grocery store, or library!