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Protect your Privacy!

By SoniaV
  • Period: to

    Privacy and the Internet

  • Cable Company's Potecting your Privacy

    Cable Company's Potecting your Privacy
    - The Cable Communication Act of 1984 was made to protect the personal information of the cable company's customers. The CCPA makes having a written document showing the customer's privacy practice mandatory.
    - I give this law an A+ because I feel that the customer's personal information needs to be protected.If their personal info lands in the wrong hands, it could be very damaging.
  • No more Eavesdropping

    No more Eavesdropping
    - The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 was created to further protect our privacy on electronic devices. The ECPA has provisions that don't allow another person to wiretap into your conversation.
    - I give this law an A+ because our conversations are private and shouldn't be available to just anyone. They are private for a reason, so we need to protect our privacy.
  • Shelter your Children!

    Shelter your Children!
    - The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 was made so that parents could further filter what their kids are looking at on the internet. The COPPA gives parents more control over what their kids are seeing on the internet, which creates a safer online experience for the children.
    - I give this law an A+ because I think parents do need to filter some things so kids are not exposed to anything bad while online.
  • 9-1-1 What's Your Emergency?

    9-1-1 What's Your Emergency?
    - The Wireless Communication and Public Safety Act helps with the public safety of citizens by creating a number to call in case of any emergency. "9-1-1" is the universal emergency contact number to call if you need help in an emergency.
    - I give this an A+, because it helps people in the case of emergencies. They call 9-1-1 and help can be given to them which could potentially save more lives.
  • Safe Internet= Economic Growth

    Safe Internet= Economic Growth
  • Seperation of Work and Social Life

    Seperation of Work and Social Life
    - The A.B. 1844 Social Media does not allow an employer to obtain their employee's personal account information from their social media account. They cannnot threaten their employees for their username or password either.
    - I give this an A+ because I don't believe your boss needs your username and password. Work life and Social life should be kept seperated.
  • "Erase" it!

    "Erase" it!
    - The Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 22575 will be effective in 2015 and it will allow minors to remove or request to remove information thats on a website.It will also not allow marketing and advertising to minors on a website.
    - I give this an A because it will further protect the minors from having any information that can be damaging to them being posted on a website.